Chapter Twenty-Seven

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AN:Warning: I really don't like to warn people and possibly take away the suspense, but I've been getting readers who have been backing out, citing the violence and imbalance of the power in this fic as the reason. I am just letting you all know that, um, this is rated NC-17 and was given a violence and D/s (Dominance/submission)warning for a reason. If you've been struggling to keep up with me, well, we're going into the climax now, so either hold on tight or jump off now. I hope you stick with me. ^_^ But I'm always surprised at what pushes people's buttons. I'm always like, "They got offended over that? *smile* So, just giving a heads up.

Hope you all keep enjoying!!

It was dark. Why was it dark? It had not been dark before. Why was he in the dark?

Stop asking silly questions. Find out where you are, idiot!

Harry carefully opened his eyes. It was still dark, but a small light shone from the ceiling and illuminated the room, reflecting off the metal walls. Harry lay on a metal floor. There was no sound save for his own breathing. It was cold enough that his breath was misting out of his mouth and condensing on the floor. He didn't recognize the room, though it did seem familiar. It almost felt as if he was back at the Zoo in a containment room for one of their bigger animals. He wasn't surprised to see a small grate in the floor not far from where he lay.

Draco. Maia.

Harry's heart squeezed in his chest at the small thought. He had to get home. He didn't know where he was, but he had to go home to his family. They needed him. Squeezing his eyes shut, Harry tried to remember where he was. The last thing he remembered was eating. Yes, he was eating and something was wrong. Draco was angry. Harry's eyes slammed open. Oh gods! He had slept with those people! He had ... and Draco had found out!

We broke our bond! We angered Draco!

The small voice made him want to die and finally Harry recognized the voice of his subicio, his need to obey and please. It was frantic at the thought of what Harry had done. Harry was frantic as well. How could he have done that?! Maybe there really was something wrong with him! Maybe he really had gone crazy!

Oh no! Had Draco locked him away? Was that where he was? A cell? No, Draco wouldn't do that, would he?

He's angry! We defied him!

But, Harry worried, Draco still wouldn't put him in a cell, would he? Draco loved him, right? But if he were going crazy... No, Draco wouldn't... But he had committed adultery!

He hates us now. We are nothing! We let others outside of the pack have us!

Harry pushed himself up with his hands and sat up, trying to use the physical actions to distract him from the awful thoughts in his head. His body ached, especially his nose and jaw. Why was he achy? Did he fall? Did Draco stun him and drag him to this... wherever this is? Why couldn't he remember?

He slowly looked around from his new height and realized that his glasses were missing, making everything hazy and blurry. But it wasn't hard to miss the blood stains on his shirt. Blood?

A loud thud and scraping noise distracted Harry from the disturbing thoughts and he quickly went on guard. He almost felt for his wand, which was ridiculous since Draco and he had been doing wandless magic exclusively for a few years now. But still, it would have been nice to feel its comforting and trusty weight in his hand right now.

Draco put us here. We must obey whatever happens.

Harry ignored his inner subicio and concentrated on making out the moving object -- a door, he surmised -- across the room. The door scraped open, creating a lighted opening. In the light, Harry could see two blurry figures coalesce and then the door was shutting them inside with him.

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