Chapter 2

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- Samantha POV -

The next morning, Kayla offered to take me to get some supplies I would need for class, "It's not much, just the essentials." She shrugged throwing random stuff into our cart.

I thought I didn't need any supplies for college. I guess I was wrong.

"Kayla, I don't think I need this many pencils." I said laughing while holding up a couple boxes.

"Oh honey, of course you do. You can never go wrong with pencils." She shrugged and threw more stuff in.

I just let her do whatever she was doing and wandered off. I was looking around when I bumped into someone, "Hey watch where you're going." He said rudely.

"Oh.. S-Sorry." I said embarrassed. I felt my face turning red.

"Sammy where did you- Louis?" I heard Kayla's voice behind me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes praying I didn't just stir up drama on my second day here.

"What's going on here?" She asked crossing her arms. She held pens in one hand and a notebook in the other. 

"Is this your friend?" Louis scoffed rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. He looked annoyed, he seemed like the easily annoyed type.

"Yeah she is." Kayla said rolling her eyes, "But why does it matter to you?"

Great. Drama was officially stirred.

"Because that explains why she so rudely tried to trip me in the middle of the store!" Louis over exaggerated.

"She didn't.. 'try to trip you'.. She bumped into you, so please stop being over dramatic for once!" Kayla said getting louder, but not yelling, "No wonder I broke up with you." She muttered the last part still loud enough for him to hear.

"Are you seriously.." Louis groaned and shook head, "You can't be seriously bringing that up." Louis looked at Kayla.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes then pushed past Kayla and I roughly.

After he was gone I turned and looked at her, "What.. was that?" I asked.

"He's my ex. The main reason I stopped dating." She rolled her eyes and didn't say anything else. I assumed the break up was rough so I didn't further push. I just nodded and looked at my shoes.

They looked rugged compared to Kayla's new ones. Maybe I should buy a pair while I was here. I kept the thought in my mind then looked at Kayla.

She took a deep breath and then put a smile  on her face, "Forget him, c'mon. We have to go buy a coffee maker for our dorm."

I groaned as she pulled my arm and the cart towards the aisles filled with "home supplies".

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