Chapter 7

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- Samantha POV -

I followed behind Harry quietly. He lead us inside and back to the table I was at earlier with Louis

"What we're you drinking before?" He yelled over the music.

"What?" I yelled back, I didn't completely get what he said, because the music was pounding behind us. It had gotten louder since the last time I was in here.

He held up a plastic cup and looked at the variety of alcohol, in an attempt to get me to understand, and I did.

"Oh um.." I started to turn red again, I had no idea what Louis put in my cup before. I also didn't know if Harry would be as understanding as Louis was that I didn't drink.

"Here I'll just get you something." Harry said shrugging,

"Or.." He smirked picking up a bottle of Vodka. "We could do some body shots."

I could feel my eyes widening, "Oh I'm.. I don't know if that's.. a good idea." I stuttered out, probably sounding like a complete idiot.

He let out a deep chuckle then looked at me, "Oh fine. How about just regular shots then?" He said filling up the plastic cup with a tiny bit of the Vodka.

"Oh I.. don't.." I trailed off seeing that Harry didn't care.

He licked his lips and then handed me the cup with a half grin, half smirk.

I took it and looked down at the liquid in it. I could smell it without having to bring it to my nose.

Harry downed his then squeezed his eyes shut. He then smiled and shook his head opening his eyes, "God.. It's good every single time."

Harry looked at me, "You take yours already?" He asked licking his lips to get the rest of the alcohol off of them.

"Oh.. uh no-" He cut me off, a habit he seemed to have, "Then what are you waiting for?!" He smiles and poured himself another one.

I looked down at it then slowly took mine, the way I watched Harry take his.

It was disgusting. I squeezed my eyes shut and made a face. It burned my throat like hell.

I  could hear Harry's laughter, "First time?" He asked when I opened my eyes and looked at him.

I nodded and asked him for some water to make the taste go away. I was starting to feel funny. I didn't like this bubbly feeling.

or maybe.. I did.

"Actually..." I giggled, "I change my mind. I want something else."

A giggle? What the hell?

"Like what?" Harry asked putting the cup of water down and picking a new one up.

"Anything!" I giggled again.

There it was again..

But I couldn't help myself. I felt the warm, bubbly feeling slowly get stronger and stronger. I wasn't used to this.

"Here." He handed me a cup and I quickly drank it.

He chuckled shaking his head as I finished it quickly, "You're done already?" He asked stunned.

I nodded, "Make me another of whatever that was."

He nodded and made another one, "Here, beautiful." He smiled and handed it to me.

"Hey.. Mister.. I have a boyfriend." I giggled and drunkenly said to him after taking the cup.

"Oh you do?" He laughed at my drunken state.

"Mhm.. and he loves me." I said looking at Harry.

I drank some more
of my delicious drink and looked at him. I let a giggle out as I started looking at his hair, "Does someone love you, curly?"

"Curly?" He chuckled and smiled at me, "And.. Uh.. no.." He sighed, "I don't think so." He looked down then quickly looked at me.


"Let's go back outside okay? Louis is probably worried." He said quickly after cutting me off.

I nodded, completely forgetting what Harry has said earlier. I attempted walking, but I really couldn't. I would stumble every so often, and nearly fall.

"Oh easy there love." Harry said quickly grabbing my waist and holding me up. Then he picked me up, realizing I couldn't walk.

"Thank you curly." I giggled and looked up at him while smiling.

He just smiled and shook his head, "You're welcome love."

Harry carried me outside and back to where the other boys were.

I liked this feeling. The words I said just came out, I didn't have to think. I said whatever I was feeling, I was confident. I wasn't shy or awkward. I was loosened up, Maybe I needed this every once in awhile.

Maybe this party.. wasn't such a bad idea..

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