Shoot The Runner

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      It was dawn. I ran through the woods. Dodging trees, branches and walkers. I could not feel my legs, my arms hurt and my lungs burned. I saw a radio tower in a small clearing in front of me. My best bet is to climb it. So I did. Heights never really bothered me, until now. I could just fall to my death and not be torn apart by those damned things.. No. No my parents would have wanted me to keep going. One or two of the walkers had noticed me and decided to stick around, which actually drew more beneath me.
Big mistake.
      I need to get down. The sun was rising quickly and no matter how much I wanted to rest, I knew I couldn't. I had to get somewhere actually safe. The sun rises to the East. Grandmother lives in Georgia. Georgia is east of Alabama. Shît what is her city name? I looked down to see about 10 or so walkers gathered below me, and I needed a plan, and fast. Find something to distract them. But what? For the first time, I looked around the wooden platform I was on ,only to find plenty of grafitti and a few decent sized rocks.
Rip some of your jacket into a few long strands, braid them together, and make two little pouches to put the rocks in. You can use it to bash them over the head from an okay distance. How the hell is that going to work? Just do it.
Suprisingly that worked really well. Now I have no jacket since I had to use more fabric than I thought, but I can get away. Rock nunchucks, genius. I slowly made my way down the ladder until I reached one of the lowest support beams, where I made myself "secure" and then proceeded to attempt my plan. This is a lot easier said than done. Yeah no shît.
My first attempt went pretty well, but I only took off one of their arms. Not all too helpful. But it does give me more of a clear shot at their heads.. New plan! Take off their arms, then bash in their brains. Simple! The first three walkers were easy, they were weaker than the others. The fourth and fifth were a bit more difficult and the fifth kept falling over every time I hit it over the head, and then would get back up slowly and get in the way of the rest and just was a nuisance. By the time I got to the sixth walker, the denim began to unbraid and untie, fraying and becoming slick with blood. Shît. I had only 4 left.
I can out run then. I can do it.
I took one final swing to their heads, knocking two of them over. This is it. I jumped down and fell about 10 feet and hit the ground hard. Luckily nothing was broken, and I was immediately on my feet, running East. Running for hope. Running for my damned life.

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