Misguided Ghosts

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      After hours of running, my legs gave out. I couldn't fight anymore. There was nothing I could do. As I caught my breath, and I searched my surroundings. There is a sidewalk and a road. That means there is some kind of neighborhood or city nearby. Maybe you can find shelter, board up a house and fortify it.
      So I got up after a bit, and decided to make my way down the sidewalk. There was no sign other than the road that there was anything around here. I kept walking. I'm starving, thirsty, and everything hurts. Why am I just now feeling all of this? It must be that my adrenaline has stopped pumping. Each footstep cramps my entire leg, my lungs burn, and my feet ache. I want to cry. I want to die. I don't want to do this anymore.
N. Virginia Ave
      The green road sign in front of me stares back blankly at me. I now have a direction. I turn right and keep walking, which leads me to a small, gated housing development. It all seems so untouched. I look up at the fence, the sun beating down on me. Just climb over the brick wall. I look to my left and see it. It's that simple, why do you need to think about it? I shrug, go over to the wall, and begin to climb.
      Once at the top, I can see most of the first three streets. There is a large brick building, and it seems stable. There are no walkers within these walls, that I can see. This actually seems like a pretty safe bet. Now how the hell do I get down?
      I stand up and carefully walk along the top of the wall, all while looking for a safe way down. This wall goes around the entire complex, maybe there are still people in here. You need to get down there and stop being so sketchy. Yeah, okay, but how?
      One of the houses were built really close to the wall, close enough for me to jump onto the roof. I get close enough to judge my odds, and I decide I have two options. Jump to the roof and land it and live, or jump to the roof and miss and die with the fall.
      Either way, pretty good chance for both. Readying myself was difficult. I'm about 20 feet up in the air, the wall is about 2 feet wide, and I'm about to jump onto the roof of a building. If I miscalculate one movement, I could die. Nice.
      You need to jump. Why? Listen.
      The unsettling low gurgle of the lone walker outside the wall would surely attract more. Especially since he knows I'm up here.
      You need to go. Now. On the count of three.
      One. There is another one down there.
      Two. I'm going to die if I do this wrong.
      Three. I'm in the air.

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