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7 months later
Rita POV
Chris punched a pillow. "I don't know what this is!" I saidf while laughing. We were playing charades and Chris was doing horrible. He pulled put a stack of money and threw it.
"Floyd Money May weather." I said right before the timer buzzed. Chris clapped.
"Let's go. 4 to 2." Chris said to Ciara and Russell. They smiled. Ciara stood up and started acting out their things. I started laughing when I felt this weird pain in my stomach. I grabbed Chris's hand. He looked at me.
"You OK?" He asked. I nodded while wincing in pain. Clara turned and looked at me.
"Are you feeling like you're having really bad cramps?" She asked me. I looked at her and nodded slowly.
"Oh my gosh. How long have you been having them?" Chris asked me.
"An hour. More or less." Ciara and Chris looked at each other.
"I'll get the bag, can y'all get her in the car." Chris ran upstairs while Ciara and Russell helped me up. They were strapping me up she Chris came outaide. He was on the phone with somebody.
"Meet y'all at the hospital." He called to Ciara and Russell. He started the car and pulled off.
"Chris, it hurts really bad."
"I know. I'm sorry baby." Then his phone rang. He looked down at it. "Shit." He muttered.
"I was supposed to get To." He answered the phone. "Hello... Yeah I know. Rita is in labor. Yeah... Uh Saint Johns Memorial hospital.. Alright see you soon." He hung up. I looked at him.
"Niia's coming?" I asked. He looked at me and looked back at the road.
"Yes. She wants to make sure you're OK during labor." He said. I smiled.
"And you dont mind?"
"Nah. Its OK. As long as I can see my Ro and see the birth of Jr." He smiled.
I smiled and put my hand on his leg. He rubbed my hand and sped up a little bit. I sighed and turned on the radio. Body On Me was on. I smiled. "Isn't it funny Chris. We actually had each others body on them." He chuckled.
"Yeah. By the way, your body is beautiful in all types of ways." I blushed. "I love you Rita. And I don't ever want to lose you ever again."
"I love yo- OHHHHH." I clutched my stomach. Chris looked at me. He sped up.
"I'm trying the fast I can baby."
A couple of minutes later, we were at the hospital. Chris ran inside and came back out with a nurse. The nurse had a wheelchair. Chris opened the door. He took my hand. "Come on baby." I grabbed the hospital bag and tried to get out the car. Chris helped pullcout. But at sos point, it was really difficult. But he finally got me out. And into the wheelchair. I sighed.
"I'm going to put her into a room Sir. I need you to fill out this paper. OK?" She handed Chris the paper as Ciara and Russell ran up to the door.

Chris POV
"OK." I said as she wheeled Rita in. "I'll be in there soon Sacagawea." I said. Rita mumb!ed something and then they were gone. I stood there for a minute. Ciara grabbed my shoulder.
"I'm going to go in. What you waiting for?"
"I'm waiting for Nia. She is bringing Royalty."
"Oh. I can't wait to meet her. She is adorable."
I smiled as she and Russell went inside.
I seen Nia's car pull up. She saw me and smiled. I saw Royalty. She same me two. She put her hand up to her mouth. I could tell that she was laughing.
After what seemed like 30 minutes of waiting for Nia, she found a parking spot and walked up to me. Royalty on her arm. "How far along is she in labor?" She asked as Royalty grabbed for me. I took her and shrugged.
"Ciara hasn't said anything." Nia shook her head.
"You're just a disgrace."
We walked inside and went up to the maternity ward. Once there I walked up to the nurses desk.
"Uh Rita Ora. She was uh.. I don't know. Where is she?"
"Room 245." She said after a couple of seconds. I walked down the hallway with Royalty playing on my ear. I looked at her.
"You gonna have a brother Ro." She looked at me. "Chris." I said.
"Chri!" She said. I looked around.
We walked into the room where Rita was at. She looked at me and smiled. "I should've ate before we came here. I'm straving and I can't eat until I give birth to this big head child of yours."
"Sacagawea, this is your child two. Stop playing." She laughed and rubbed her stomach.
"Chris, I love you."
"We went over this already." I said jokily. She smiled. "I love you Sac."
"One day you're going to say my name."
"Say your name. Say your name." I sang. Everybody laughed. Ro looked at Rita.
Rita looked at her wide eyed. "Royalty." Royalty leaned towards her. I looked at Rita. She wiced. Then a doctor came in.
"I don't think its good for the baby to be in here while she gives birth. Pretty much a horrifying experience." He said smiling at Ro. I looked at Nia. But Ciara took her.
"You guys can stay here. I want to get to know Royalty." She said. Royalty looked at me like we were doing something wrong.
"Its OK Ro. Ciara and Russell are nice." Royalty sighed and was carried out the room.

20 minutes later
Rita held Jr. She smiled. "He's so precious." She said rubbing his hair. I smiled and sat beside her with Royalty. Royalty looked at Jr and then at me. "Its crazy how much your genes are so strong." She whispered. I smiled.
"Baby." Royalty said staring at Jr.
"Yeah. Baby. His name is Chris."
"Chris." She said excitedly.
I smiled and kissed Rita. "Thank you for being the love of my life and giving birth to another Brown. Its always a blessing to have Browns in the world."
"No its not." She said. Jr started crying. My mother walked in.
"Oh I missed the birth." She said. She walked up to us. Then picked up Jr. "He's so precious."
"I said the same thing." Rita said.
"I can't wait to spoil him like I do Royalty." I smiled and looked around. Ciara and Russell were still here. They were getting out things for Rita. Nia left after Rita gave birth to Jr.
Then all of a sudden, Jr started to choke. His monitor started to go crazy. A nurse came in and took Jr from my mother.
"What's going on?" Rita asked. A doctor came in. "Chris, may have a heart problem. Did a doctor when you were pregnant ever tell you that?" Rita looked at me then at the doctor. She shook her head. "We're going to run a couple of tests. Then we'll tell you anything we learn. OK?" They wheeled Jr out in the bed he was in.
Rita started to cry. I rubbed her back. "I'm sure he's fine." I said trying to assure her. She shook her head.
"You don't know that Chris."
"I know. But we Browns hold out." I said. She nodded and looked away. I swallowed and sighed rubbing my temples.

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