Chapter 3

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I still wanted vengeance as soon as possible, but I also knew that I couldn't just run off into the distance trying to look for the culprit.

That would be my death.

So I needed to think of a plan. The first thing I had to do was finding out why we were at the feast anyway! Father had intended to tell me after the banquet, but he couldn't because... Because he died, Adelaide. Accept it.

It was still difficult to just think of my father.

I needed to find the invitation! The reason why we were invited to the feast had to be written on there, right? It would probably be somewhere in my house. I decided that I had to go ask the King if I could visit my house. After all, I kind of needed to get some things from my room. I didn't feel at ease in the clothes of a servant.

I walked to the chambers of the King. The guards looked at my suspiciously, but I looked straight ahead like I knew what I was doing.

"I request to see the King." I said trying to sound as proud as a Royal would be, just to be sure the guards would let me through.

One of the guards walked into the room of the King and said while looking at someone I couldn't see from here: "A girl requests to see you, my majesty." I didn't hear an answer, but apparently I was allowed to go in.

The King stood by his window, obviously thinking about something. I cleared my throat to point out I was there. The King looked a bit startled when he turned around and the circles under his eyes indicated that he didn't have had a lot of sleep last night. Maybe several nights.. What would trouble the mind of a wealthy King, I wondered.

"Ah, Adelaide. I've been expecting you."

"You have?" Now I was a bit startled. Why would he expect me?! It worried me.

"Yes of course." He turned to me. "I forbid you to look for answers and here you are. Probably looking for them right now." He smiled. He was probably quite satisfied with his own wit. Luckily for me I wasn't so easily to fathom.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, my majesty. I'm just asking you to give me permission to visit my house back in the Civil-section."

"Oh and why would you want that?"

At this point I started to grow a little bit anxious. I was about to lie against the King! My King!
The fact that I wasn't going to lie completely, just omit a few details, kept me standing.

"I would like to retrieve some family artifacts. I would also like to wear my own clothing and nonetheless I would also like to clean it up a bit. When I'm moving back in I don't want dust lying around the whole bloody house."

"I understand. You have my permission. But..."

Oh no. Not the bloody 'but'.

"I don't like to idea of you cleaning the house for no reason."

What? What did he mean with that?!

"I'm sorry, my majesty, but I don't completely follow you."

The grin on his face was growing even bigger when I finished my sentence.
"You see, Adelaide. Me and my wife, the Queen, have spoken with each other about your 'situation'."

Oh no. I've felt it coming the whole time, but it still hit me like a rock. They were sending me away!

"And we've come to a decision. You'll be living in the castle from this moment forth. You'll get your own bedroom and bathroom. You'll have dinner with us or in the kitchen and you won't have to go back to the filthy Civil-section." He said that word with so much disgust that even I almost felt sick when I thought about it.

I didn't know how to response. I was happy for not having to go back to my house, all alone. I was also not sure if I wanted that life at court. The life with intrigues, betrayal and drama. But even after all of my doubts, I decided that it would be best for me to go back to my house one last time and return to the castle to live my life further here.

"I would be honored, my majesty."

The King smiled kind.
"I'm glad we've settled that! Guards!"

The two guards immediately ran inside.

"Get this lady a horse and bring her to her house. Take some empty bags with you please and don't under any reason, let her be endangered!"

The guards nodded and led me to the stables.

It was like a dream.

With two guards on white horses escorting me, I rode on the horse that was given to me through the castle gate. It felt like I entered a whole other world. It was pleasant and terrifying, but nonetheless I felt free.

We rode quickly through the streets. In about half an hour we reached the border of the Civil-section. The guards lowered their pace.

I saw several starving children. A few looked at us like they saw the angles themselves. A few saw only greedy Devils. I knew this from experience.

By the time we reached my house I told the guards to wait outside. They did as they were told.

When I stepped through the doorway I immediately felt at home, but at the same time alienated of my own home.

I walked upstairs. My room was still a bit messy from the rush we had that morning before the feast. First, I thought, I have to pack some clothing and other belongings that are necessary. I grabbed several brown pants, some blouses, some shirts and a pair of leather boots. That had to be enough.

It was time to search for the invitation or other clues about what my father had been up to. I started at his desk.

There were piles of paper, paper, paper and can you guess? Paper. How on earth would I be able to find a little invitation in this?! That was nearly impossible! But then it occurred to me. Why would my father keep such a important letter on his desk between other less-important letters? It didn't make sense.

So I tried to place myself in his mind. Where would my father put something so precious? Somewhere safe. Somewhere burglars wouldn't search, guards from the castle wouldn't look and other creatures wouldn't see it.

Under the house.

That was that for this chapter! I'm so sorry I haven't updated sooner! I try to upload as fast as I can but the Christmas-break is over so school has started again. Not that that is such a big problem.. I'll update no matter what! :)

So whatcha think? I'm sorry if it all seems a bit dull right now, but I'm just getting started! Soon there will be all sorts of exciting things... ;)

Well, as always, let me know what you think, comment, vote, whatever! Do it! You know you want to.. ;)

Have a great day/night/morning/afternoon/evening!

Bye bye,
Josien <3

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