Chapter 1

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The next days were horrible. Thinking about what I could've done was tearing me apart from the inside out. Things like: "I should've grabbed the butter knife next to me and sliced his throat." (Referring to the buggle). Or: "I should've ran after them to kill them."

But it all didn't make the pain go away. The worst part was that I lost my father. My only guardian left. So now I was stuck without a mother nor a father as a stubborn filthy child who lived in the Civil Section. A child who didn't matter in the Royal's eyes.

Well, that wasn't entirely true. All Royal's eyes except a certain pair of ice-blue eyes. Blake Burton's eyes.
They couldn't take their piercing look of me after the assassin. Big worried eyes. Dreamy beautiful loving full...- ADELAIDE! Keep yourself together!

I was forced to stay a few days at court after the assassin because of the uncertainty of what will happen to me.
A maid had given me a room in the servant-wing. It wasn't particular what you would call a Royal bedroom but it certainly was a whole lot bigger than my room at home. Home. That sounded a lot further away than it actually was.
I lent some clothing from the servants. After some begging I achieved to gather a pair of  walnut-coloured pants instead of those horrible dresses or skirts.

Now I was sitting on my bed. Thinking about the past events while looking through the window into the garden. So lost in my thoughts, I didn't even hear the door open and shut again.
A small cough sounded behind me. I turned around and saw Blake.
"Hello Adelaide."

"Blake. How dare you to let yourself be seen in the Servant-wing?!"

"Well, regardless of my fabulous appearing, I really don't care what other people say about me."

"You, Blake Burton, the son of the Recruit Master, trained to be the most self-centered knight of Alysia, says he doesn't care?" I said while I disbelievingly shook my head.

He smiled. "Is that so hard to believe?"

"Well, I'm sort of glad that the Royals seem to evolve."

"What do you mean?"

"They aren't just self-centred arsehole anymore. They seem to evolve to self-centred arseholes who act like they don't care."

"Well, aren't you a perky little thing." He replied smiling naughty.

That smile again... Can't he just be a grumpy self-centred arsehole?! The reasonable part of me thought. The other part, the naughty part thought something different... Please just stay right there and smile like that. Yeah, just stay perfect.

"I just came to tell you you'll be expected at dinner tonight in the great hall."

And with that sentence he left the room, letting me stand there dazed by this announcement. I was going to have dinner with the King and Queen of Alysia!

After some minutes of panicking and disbelief, I started to plan out all the things I would have to do before tonight.

Get a decent dress. Yeah, in all my despise against dresses, I would be needing a proper one for tonight. Maybe a neat little white dress. Not too fancy. I didn't like that and I could never afford it.

Practice my manners. Lets just say that my curtsy isn't that perfect yet... I would have to rehearse it and remember all those lessons my mother had taught me.

To my surprise, that was all actually! I started to seek for a dress immediately.

Because I couldn't leave the castle I asked every servant in my eyesight if she could lent me a dress. They all couldn't. To be honest, I didn't expect them to be able to. Most of them weren't wealthy and didn't have any other clothes than their filthy white-brown aprons. 

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