Prologue (part 2)

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It was wonderful. Everywhere you looked you could see different flowers and plants. There weren't two of the same kind! I saw bright pink flowers with blue dots on them, but they all had another kind of color. I also saw strange plants I've never seen before: blue flowers with permanent frost, a cactus with a waterfall coming out of it and many others. They must've been from other biomes and been shipped to ours.

Father and I had to wait in a long line before we could sit in our seats. Some creatures sprinkled a kind of dust on each visitor. After that their eyes suddenly became bright orange and like they were in a sort of trance, they could find their own seat. I didn't trust the creatures. They looked naughty and not worthy of my trust. They had big orange eyes and smaller bodies than you would expect with such big heads.

When the man before me walked in trance to his seat, I walked forward to the creature (I do recall they're called buggles). He looked at me with an odd look. I stared back at him, but he quickly sprinkled me with dust and suddenly the world became bright orange.

It was unpleasant. I couldn't feel my legs nor my arms. My head felt heavy and I could faintly hear some vague sounds which I couldn't put together in words. The fact that I couldn't feel my legs didn't stop them from moving. Slowly I saw the room fly by me and like magic I sat down.

The world retrieved in its original state. And I was sitting in a chair next to my father. The table was magnificent. There were all sorts of rocks in the middle. From shiny, to blunt, to purple, to crystals and so on.

After the last visitor found his seat, the trumpeters played the Royal anthem again. The huge doors opened in the back and with their movement multiple people walked in. On the left there was a man. He looked old and he was bald. He was probably the advisor of the King.
Next to him was a girl walking. She was probably around my age and she wore the most amazing dress I had ever seen. She must've been the Kings daughter: Aria.
There were more old men who probably were important in the castle, but I didn't bother to identify them.
After they sat down a boy from the trumpeters shouted:
And soon after that: "BOW FOR HIS MAJESTY OF ALYSIA."
All three walked in and sat down in their seats. Their seats weren't actually that far from me. Odd. I expected that me and my father would've been seated as far away from them as possible. I also noticed that all the seats were occupied except for the seat next to me.

The king rose from his seat and coughed. "Ladies and gentlemen." A silence between his words. "I welcome you all to this wonderful feast of Possibilities." Another silence. "Today we celebrate, those who've gotten their chances to change the world. May all the possibilities of their fates still be open." The crowd cheered. "We also celebrate all the possibilities which we will encounter one day. And may we choose the right way." A louder cheer from the crowd. "Enjoy!"
And with that cry, the table filled itself with delicious food and drinks.

There were all sorts of food. Some were definitely from other biomes. On a big silver plate lied an enormous roasted duck. Around the duck were pink and yellow vegetables which I couldn't identify. While everybody was intrigued by the amount of food that just appeared out of thin air, the seat next to me moved back and a man sat down. I looked at him and saw Blake.

"Blake," I hissed, "what are you doing, you fool!"
"Oh, we meet again, Lady Adelaide."
He looked at me and he saw a furious face.
"Did I do something wrong, my lady?" His face suddenly full of innocence.
"Yes of course! You can't sit next to me! And by the way, I'm NOT a lady!" I hissed again, my voice full of anger.
"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I already knew in a few seconds that you weren't a Royal." Ugh, that smile again.
"Oh and why was that, if I may ask, my lord?" The irony clearly audible in my voice.
"I thought it was obvious. You're wearing pants, you're very rude, you don't faint at the sight of me and you're just.."
"Just what." I snapped.
"Just different."

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