Chapter 2

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I grabbed the dress from my bed and I put it on. I looked in the mirror besides the small closet and I gasped for air. In the mirror stood a girl I didn't recognize. Honey brown hair and bright green eyes. She looked shocked and at the same time incredibly happy. I moved my arm to move a wisp of hair behind my ear. Urgh, it never staid put... When I moved my arm, the girl in the mirror did the exact same thing. While knowing she was me, I still couldn't process the transformation a beautiful dress could create. I looked gorgeous.

A dress alone isn't enough of course, so I grabbed some powder for my cheeks and some dark green mascara for my eyelashes. I'm not a great fan of make-up, but my mother did teach me to apply it when I was younger. A side-effect of losing someone you loved: remembering every moment of you and them like it happened yesterday.

I waited until Blake would pick me up to lead me to the dining room. I walked towards the window and looked at a swarm of fireflies who flew around the garden with the freedom I could only wish for in my dreams.

Blake knocked on the door, scaring me a bit with the sudden sound. I opened the door. He looked at me and shock filled his eyes. He tried to find his words and finally succeeded to do so.
"You look absolutely.." A silence between his words. "Gorgeous." He said and I blushed. "Well, thank you. Shall we?" I replied. He took my arm in his like the true gentleman he was and we walked through the door to the dining room.

"Blake! Adelaide! How lovely to see you both!" The King said while  we entered the dining room.
Blake bowed and I curtsied.
"I look forward to spend the evening with you and your family, my majesty." Blake said and I nodded to let the King see, I thought the same about the situation.
"Please, sit down" the King said while waving his hand towards the table.

Aria, the Queen and Sir Burton  were already seated so Blake and I had to sit besides each other. Yay.

Multiple servants were lined up against the wall, all very perceptive, waiting until someone needed something. When that was the case, one of them urged towards him or her and immediately helped him or her. It didn't feel very comfortable, but I guess this was how a Royal at court lived.

"So, Adelaide." The King said, interrupting my thoughts.
"Yes, my majesty?" I replied.
"With my deepest compassion I'll have to ask you what your plans are now that you're practically an orphan." He said while looking at me like I was a helpless bunny who couldn't do anything in life. He was wrong.

"I'm going to revenge my father." I said with a stern look.

The King looked at me like I had gone mad. He glanced to his wife and laughed. He laughed!
"And how are you going to do that, if I may ask you?"

"Oh, that's simple. I'm going to find out who was behind all of this and then I'm going to drive a sword through his heart." This made the King laugh even more!

He replied: "You? A seventeen years old girl? A bloody Civil? Without money nor parents? How in the world are you going to accomplish that?!" I shrugged. He didn't need to understand.

"Let me tell you something, Adelaide." He said while leaning a bit forward. I listened curiously.

"A long time ago, when my ancestor conquered this realm, they made a system. A system that would cure the realm from jealousy and figuratively backstabbing. A system with multiple categories. Each creature and human being would be sorted into a category. In the top they created the Royal layer. These people would be wealthy and leaders. The second tier was the Soldier layer. Here to protect the realm. After them came the Academics. Doctors and professors. Here to enlighten us and cure us. The fourth tier was occupied with the Civilians: the Civil layer. They provided food for the realm and made products. At last we have the Creature layer. The least important entity in our realm. They transport us and humor us. See? You can't just save the realm! We have soldiers for that! Everything is taken care of and YOU don't need to interfere!" His tone of voice became increasingly louder. He started to frighten me. And I knew he was right. I was just a silly young Civil. How could I make any difference?

"I'm sorry, my majesty. I now understand that I'm in no position to question your actions against these terrors our realm is dealing with." I slightly bowed my head.

"If you keep that in mind, young lady, all is forgiven." A little smile was already forming on his face.

"Now, let's have dinner!" The King cheered. All the servants ran immediately towards the kitchen to come back with the most amazing dishes. But I couldn't focus on eating. The words of the King were still grieved in my head and I couldn't think about anything else.

Blake must've seen me struggling. He took my hand from under the table in his. I didn't mind. It was comfortable and it made me feel not alone.

After the last dessert Blake and I said goodnight and Blake led me back to my room. We stood there in the doorway in silence, not sure what to say.
I was about to tell him to go to his own room when he said: "Adelaide, I'll stand by you with every choice you make. If that means to do nothing then I'm fine with that. If that means we'll have to become refugees from court and probably die, then I'm completely fine with that as well. Because I'll trust you to make the right decision."

I looked at him, not sure what to answer. How can he trust me with this if I don't even trust myself with the choice right in front of me?! After thinking about what I should say, this was all that came out of my mouth:
"Thank you, Blake. You should go to your room."

I know that sounded rude, but I couldn't live up to his expectations. I wasn't a hero. I couldn't even swing a sword! In what crazy future would I, Adelaide, be able to kill someone?! But of course I couldn't tell him that. He would only tell me that I can do anything. Right now I didn't need that.

I needed the truth.

So I cleared some things about this world up for you! The King seems nice, doesn't he? And what do you think Adelaide should do?

Let me know what you think and vote!

See ya later,
Josien <3

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