Chapter 4

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The guards were still standing outside. I tried not to make too much noise that would make me suspicious to the guards. I lifted the filthy dusty rug up to look beneath it. I gasped for air. Under the rug was a big hatch with a metal handle. With one last look behind me to make sure I was alone, I firmly grabbed the handle and opened the hatch.

I was amazed. Not only did I saw the invitation with its curly letters, but there was also some money, jewelry and an envelope. It was a big yellow-white envelope with a strange seal to close the flap. "A seal?" I thought. "We aren't noble, are we?" It didn't make sense. Why would there be an envelope with a seal (Which I haven't seen in my entire life, by the way.) in a secret hole beneath our house? My house now. That realization gave me courage to carry on my investigation. I had to vengeance my father! How would I manage that if I would worry about a bloody seal?!
I carefully investigated the seal. It was a circle with a line through the middle. In the middle there was a triangle. At last, there was a line under the big circle. I carefully opened the envelope, trying not to damage the seal. Who knows when it could come in handy.

There was a letter inside with the handwriting of my father. For a moment I hesitated. "This could be the last thing my father wrote." I thought. But I carried on while trying to keep myself together.

I barely managed.

Dear Adelaide,

The letter started.

When you read this something must've happened to me. I'm sorry, Adelaide. I just couldn't tell you.

After your mother died, I went looking for clues. I believed she was killed.

I was right.

I was a bit startled. My mother, killed?! And my father, looking all this time for clues? For the real murderer? I almost didn't believe it. But what choice did I have in the matter? None. The evidence was here right in front of me.
I kept reading.

I went to an old village, behind the mountains. I thought they would have some answers. A woman, around 50, said she could help.
She told me I was part of the Divinia-family. She showed me a book of tales. One of them was a story about a special family. Gifted with abilities beyond comparison to mankind. In the end they defeat a dark villain of the mountains and save their world from him. I thought it was a fairytale, but the more I investigated, the more it made sense. You're special too, Adelaide. Remember that.

This cavity holds my legacy along with your family's and some research.

Be safe, my Adelaide.

With love,
Your father.

Tears welled up in my eyes, but I didn't give in. I was special? What did he mean with that?! I was a part of a fairytale that an old woman told him? As much as I loved my father, I almost thought he had gone mad.

I looked in the hole and grabbed the invitation to the feast. I was disappointed. It only said: "Meet me at the feast."
Somebody with information? The people who told him not to tell me anything?

Anyway, I carried on.
There was a brooch of my mother. She'd never wore it. There was a dark blue gem in the middle of the metal round shape, but in the very middle there was a little spark of a brighter color.

There was some money, but I didn't mind to look how many. I could do that another time as well.

The hole was deeper than I first thought.
In the corner I saw a smooth oval stone. It was blue with -again- a little bright spark in the middle. When I touched it it kind of tickled, but that feeling was away in a second.
I shoved a blanket to the side that was laying under the rock and I gasped for air.
Under the blanket laid multiple weapons and armory. There were a bunch of knives, but I couldn't identify them. I wasn't really a expert in weaponry. There was some leather you could bind around your wrists. No idea how that would come to use... There was also leather armory for my ankles which looked almost the same as the ones for my wrists.

At last there was a sword. Not just a sword, but a real sword. It had engraved art on the grip which included that strange sign I had also seen on the seal of the envelope. The sword still blinked and shone like it had just been polished. I didn't want to use it but at the same time I almost felt like I had to. Like I owed it to the sword. That's ridiculous, Adelaide.

Suddenly I realized I had to hurry! Otherwise the guards would get impatient. I grabbed a bag and started to pack.


With a full bag with the weapons and jewels, the guards and I started our way back to the castle. I was tired and I just wanted to sleep and think about the information I had just gathered. We drove fast and just before the sun set we drove through the castle gates.

With my bag I walked back to my room as fast as I could, hoping no one would stop me and ask what I had got in the bag.

With my heart beating fast I made it to my room and shut the door. I made sure that the door was locked and then I opened the bag.

I took all of the things that weren't weapons out of the bag to make sure that they wouldn't get crushed or whatever. As quickly as I could I hid the bag with weapons beneath my bed. I felt save with the thought of weapons in hand reach but at the same time it made me uncomfortable when thinking of the possibilities I now had with such things in my possession.

I now had a few things left laying on my bed. The brooch, the weird stone, the letter, the invitation and the money. I started to count the money. I had always liked to know what was ahead of me and where I stood in life. It wasn't that much if you compared it to the treasures and money the Royals had, but relatively with my standards it was quite much. In my hand was 460 Seya. If you imagined that a bread is 3 Seya, then you could imagine that that's a lot of bread! But the possibilities I now had didn't come to my mind. I was only wondering why and how my father had gathered this amount of money. And why leave it under the house? All those questions and no answers.

I swear that I will get them. Oh, I will.
I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a whole month!! I just have been so busy with school and stuff.. But anyway, what did you think? Let me know! And don't forget to vote and comment!

Love ya,

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