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*my phone makes a beeping sound which I didn't notice cause I was busy watching TWGOK with earphones on and eating some snacks while Sappy is doing something in the potato corner *

Faybelle : *notice phone my phone beeping.* oh look someone's phone. I wander what juicy secrets in here. *takes my phone and notices my lock screen* WTF. why does she have a picture of Daring.

Daring : You called my lady.

Faybelle : *rolled her eyes.* and Cerise dancing with each other.

Cerise : what the hex is happening to my life right now.

Maddie : oh let me see. *looks at the phone.* oh that's so cute.

Me : *just finish watching TWGOK.* still the best episode ever. *turns around to see Faybelle holding my phone* hey give it back.

Faybelle : never in thousand-

Me : * snaps fingers making the phone appear in my hand* much better. Now let's see what we have here. Cool dares already that was fast. Firtst we do Sappy's dares. Poppy and Ashynn *both of them walk in front of me." you guys suppose to hold hands for the whole chapter.

Poppy :well that's normal she is my BFFA other than Holly.

Ashlynn : yup we can do this dare in a breeze. *holds poppy hands*

Me : You guys look so cute with each other.

Poppy : thanks I guess.

Me :okay next dare is for Alistair to make out with a potato.

Alistair : what. Why.

Sappy : cause I dared you too. Now make out with this potato. *shoves a potato in his face.*

Alistair : *pushes the potato away from him.* No way. you're not the boss of me. *gets electrocuted.* WTF just happens.

Me : actually me and she are the boss. If you guys deny any dare that someone dared you. You guys will get electrocuted. Understand.

Everyone : *noddeds in fear*

Me : Okay then. Now Alistair kiss the fucking damn potato.

Alistair : no *gets electrocuted again.* alright alright. *took the potato from Sappy looks into it with fear.*

Me : hurry up with don't have all day you know.

Alistair : *gulps* *kisses the potato.*

Me : Okay next dare. Is still from Sappy. She dares Raven and Apple kiss.

Raven : wait what. I know I like her. But not that kind of like like her.

E. Apple :oh is Raven Mean scared of having her first kiss with a girl. Oh so sad and also *grabs Raven collar.* I don't want to get electrocuted. You b*****.

Me : Apple language.

E. Apple : don't care. *kisses Raven.*

Raven :* likes it and kisses her back

Sappy and Me : oh my fairy godmother. So cute *super fangirling*

Me : this so cute that I want to go at my artwork table and draw this moment. But I can't. I have to continue this story. Okay next Sappy dares.

Kitty : how many dares does she have left its like taking forever.

Me : patient Kitty. Cause patient is a virtue. Okay this is her last dare. Happy now Kitty.

Kitty : probably.

Me : she dares Daring to spill his deepest secret.

Daring : I don't have any secrets. I'm to perfect for that. *looks at his mirror then gets electrocuted.* ahh. My face my beautiful face.*gets down on his knees.* Fix it back. Pls fix it back.

Me : not until you tell us your deepest secret.

Daring : okay. I really don't want to follow my destiny. Now fix my face.

Everyone : *gasp*

Me : *snaps fingers making Daring's face back to normal*

Daring : *looks back at his mirror and those every pose that he could think of.*

Sappy : that was it. That wasn't even worth the wait. *goes to the TV and watch Steven universe*

Me : okay we still have two dares left ones from @MissRebelliouness18. And she dares Bunny to kiss Daring's cheek.

Bunny : but I like Alistair.

Me : we know. Just kiss his cheek its not like your going to marry him. Which will never happen in this story. Do it now before I electrocute you.

Bunny :okay *walks up to Daring* hey Daring

Daring : *stills looking at his mirror* yes Bunny. What is it.

Bunny : someone dare me to kiss your cheek.

Daring : don't make an excuse you just want to kiss me. Of course who doesn't.

Me : that would be raven, cupid, poppy, ashlynn, Kitty, Maddie,..........................

Bunny : *kisses Daring cheek while I was still talking.* done.

Me : good. We can now go on to our last and final dare for this chapter. This dare is from @xxSterreBlancxx and she dare Bunny to kiss Alistair. Wow Bunny you're kissing two people in a row.

Bunny : should I even have to celebrate for that. And how could I kiss Alistair. He's still kissing that potato. *points at Alistair who was still kissing the potato that Sappy gave to him*

Me : Alistair why are you still kissing that potato.

Alistair : isn't that the point of the dare that I have to kiss a potato or else I'll get electrocuted.

Me : not that long you idiot.

Alistair : what I just kiss this f***ing potato for about 20 minutes with no damn reason.

Me : yup pretty much.

Sappy : now that's worth the wait.

Me :Now come here you and Bunny have to kiss.

Alistair : okay it's much better than kissing a potato. *leans in to kiss bunny*

Bunny : *also leans in to kiss Alistair.* *then they kiss.*


me : couldn't said it better myself lord Skippy. See you my snakers in the next chapter. And also thank you @xxSterreBlancxx for giving me the idea on what to call this chapter.

Rapple : *still kissing.*

Truth And Dares EVER AFTER HIGH (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now