First torture then a kiss.

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Me and Lucy : *stalking people's lives.*

Criz : well since there busy I'll read the dares. *Opens the magical envelope* first dare is from the same person who dared last chapter. _AllTimeRomance_ dared herself to lock Happer in a well.

Hopper : What?! Didn't I just said last chapter that I don't want to be lock in a well.

Criz : Yeah, but Daphne said she's okay with it. *Walks to Lucy and tap her shoulder.* You need to this dare. *Gives her the paper.

Lucy : Hexecellent! NOW YOU FLITHY TOAD SHALL GET YOUR PUNISHMENT FOR HARASSING MY QUEEN! *Carries Hopper to the nearest well and locks him there.*

Hopper : Ain't this just great. Now I'll never to talk to a girl again.

Lucy : like you have tried to. Now onto my next dare. Criz would you like to tell them the dare.

Criz : not sure if I'm should be here. It's getting hard for me to speak english. I'm having nosebleed.

Me : I'll do it. I should stop looking at people lives. *Gets the paper from criz hands.* Your next dare is for Hunter to get shock 10 times for no reasons.*

Hunter : Wait what!? *Shock, Shock, Shock, shock, shock, shock, shock, shock, shock, shock. Is now a Hunter barbieque.*

Me : He smells delicious.

Ashlynn :*runs toward Hunter.* Don't you dare eat my baby.

Me : Don't worry I'm not cannibal. Or am I. *Strokes her imaginary beard.*

Lucy : My next dare is for Briar, Apple, Rosabella, Lizzie and Kitty to wear a bald cap for the next five chapters.

Apple : That wouldn't a problem, real beauty come from the inside not from the outside.

Me : for the first time I agree with Apple.

Briar : I'm so gonna rock this bald style.

Rosabella : I also agree with Apple with this.

Lizzie : Off with the hair!

Kitty : me being bald might give me some new pranks soon.

*Girls who were assigned wears a bald cap*

Apple : So Rae what do you think about my new style.

Raven : Without hair. Your still my Apple.

Apple : *blushes* thanks Rae.

Briar : this kinda helps me with my hextrem sports and stuff.

Rosabella : see nothing changes when are appearance change. Right Mona.

Ramona : ....

Rosabella : Ramona, you okay.

Ramona : *walks towards Rosabella grabs her by the shoulder.* Your still Beautiful inside and out.

Rosabella : *blushes madly.* Uh.... I know.

Lizzie : I'm still the queen of wonderland!

Courtly : pipe down loud mouth.

Kitty : *runs out of my head and goes to Eah * I have cancer and I'm gonna die in an hour!

People : omg kitty let's take you to hospital quick.

Kitty : No, just do this thing's for me. *Gives them a list*

People : but kitty this is so hard to get you.

Kitty :pls just for me.

People :  okay. *panic so they could just do and give Kitty everything she wants as fast as possible.*

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