2 weddings and a child

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Me : I'm back people. Sorry for not posting for awhile.

Justine : who she talking to.

Maddie : she's taking to the readers.

Sappy : what all of this racket? what time is it anyway. *Just woke up*

Me : it's truth or Dare time.

Everyone except the new ones: yeah * rolled their eyes.*

Nina : oh were gonna play truth or Dare. I choose dare.

Me : your certainty are new here aren't you.

Nina : yup.

Me : to bad. you don't have a dare unless they comment the dare for you. *Points at you* first dare is from @warriorofcrime she dares Daring and Cerise to do Seven minutes of heaven but instead of seven it will be three hours. Now let me just put you in a nice cozy room with all the stuff you need to have fun in heaven. *Raising my eyebrows up and down.* Enjoy. *Pushes them in the room.* Next dare oh Alistair.

Alistair : oh not me again.

Me : oh it's you again your dare is from Raven_Logan he/she dare you to punch Sappy.

Sappy : *sleeping on the couch.* Zzzzzzz

Alistair: *gulp* do I have to *get electrocuted.*

Me : those that answers your question.

Alistair: *sighed walks up to Sappy who was sleeping peacefully. Punches her lightly*

Me : do it a bit more harder.

Alistair : *punches Sappy with a big sucker punch on the face.*

Sappy : who dares wakes me up. *With demonic look on her face.*

Everyone: *points at Alistair then runs away*

Alistair : someone pls save me.

Sappy : *grabs Alistair and throws him off a cliff which is full of potato underneath it.*

Alistair: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Some saves me *drowns in the potato pool.*

Sappy :*goes to sleep*

Me : well that happen. Next Dare is from -PanicAtTheSirens-. She Dares Kitty and Lizzie to be in a lock room together. Would you now follow me pls. *Pushes Kitty and Lizzie in another room.* Do what you want guys. Also Raven and Apple should also be in a lock room together.

Apple : but I don't want to. *Gets electrocuted* where is this electricity coming from.

Me : Magic. *Does the jazz hands.* Now get inside the room with Raven. You'll guys will be there for the whole Chapter. *Pushes them inside* Next Dare is from @viqu2014 and S/he dares Alistair and Maddie get married.

Maddie : but I'm already married. Remember last Chapter.

Me : but in this world it's killed or be kill *does flower's voice* sorry different fandom. Well were in my world it's legal for you guys to be marry. Now shall we start. *Snaps fingers* do you Madeline xylophone Hatter take Alistair Wonderland to be your lawfully wedded husband.

Madeline: I do.

Me : do you Alistair Wonderland take Madeline xylophone Hatter to be your lawfully wedded wife.

Alistair: but already married.

Me : I know. You do it you don't.

Alistair: I do.

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