Chapter 5

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Sorry this is so short, I didn't really have a better idea for this chapter, so it's basically like the one on my computer but revised and stuff. (: 

****Liam's POV****

I woke up quite early the following day because when I went into the kitchen, Jay was still there and he was all over Kate. I cleared my throat and Kate gently pushed Jay off her as her cheeks started to turn the most brilliant red. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she refused to meet my gaze. I smirked a little as I headed over to the fridge and retrieved some orange juice. Jay held her shoulders and gave her another kiss as he pulled away from her. He shot me a glare and I smirked at him. 

"See you later babe...bye Liam," Jay mumbled as he left the kitchen and went out the front door. Kate sighed and I grinned at her as I drank the juice right out of the carton. She crossed her arms for a moment before walking up to me and pushing me into the fridge. 

"Liam! Not cool! And you're going to buy more juice," Kate grumbled, punching my arm before storming off down the hallway probably to call Jay and apologize for my actions. I rolled my eyes and set the juice back into the fridge and sitting at the table for a moment. 

"I'm going out, I'll be back around four," Kate called, clearly still angry with me, as she walked out the door. I waved and rolled my eyes once more before grabbing my laptop. I saw Niall online and my heart began to race. Kate was going to be gone all day which meant Niall could come over, but was it a smart decision to invite a stranger over? What was the worse thing that could happen? I sucked in a deep breath of air and began typing.

L: 3451 Greenwood avenue is my address. Feel free to come over whenever you want if you're able to! Kate's out until 4pm. 

I stared at the screen and saw a check appear next to my message that meant Niall had read the letter. I immediately began questioning if I'd made the right choice, but it was too late now; Niall knew where I was living and there was no taking it back now. Niall began typing and I held my breath. 

N: This is great! I'll be over in ten! (:

L: You live that close?

N: Driving Liam, it's called driving (;

L: Something I wouldn't know about!

N: Oh yeah...sorry Li (: see you soon! I can't wait to meet you!!

I just stared at my computer a little longer and then decided to brush my hair and put on something other than my boxer shorts and a ragged t-shirt. I suddenly was feeling scared for some unknown reason. I had no reason to be nervous! Niall and I were friends, and I trusted my friends. 

But then questions raced through my head. What if he was some sort of murderer or crazy person? Surely he'd be in jail if he was! What if he was lying about who he was? I ran my hand through my hair and shook my head. I was over analyzing the whole situation! It wasn't even that big of a deal, and there I was making it an episode over it! 

I was so engulfed in my thoughts that I didn't even hear the doorbell ringing. Soon there was knocking and bell ringing, so I finally ran down the hallway and swung the door open and was surprised at what I saw. In front of me stood a boy about my height and my age with bleached blonde hair, but dark roots and his eyes...they stood out like a diamond in the rough with the exotic blue they held, but it wasn't the boy I'd grown used to talking to on the computer. They had similar features, but were definitely in no relation to each other and that kinda pissed me off. 

"Hi Liam," the boy smiled, as I was questioning if his real name was even Niall...

"Uh hi...uh Niall?" I questioned and he nodded as he shyly ran his hand through his hair. I crossed my arms and he sighed. 

"I know I don't look like the person in the picture, but I'm still me...I'm still the Niall you've been talking to," he tried to explain, but I was done talking to him. 

"That may be true, but if you lied about who you are...I don't even want to know what else you've lied about...I don't even know you," I sighed and Niall just looked down.

"So you don't want to hang out then and at least try and get to know me?" Niall asked a little angrily and I debated, but finally nodded. Niall stepped away from the door, throwing his hands up and walking back over to his van. 

"Bye Li," he waved, hopping in his car and driving off. 

"Bye," I mumbled, slamming the door and standing there. I had waited to meet this boy for weeks now, and I just met a stranger. I sat on the couch, still fuming but after I calmed down I realized how rude and stupid I had been. I hadn't even given him a chance! I talked to a kid online for a couple weeks waiting to meet him and then it ended in two minutes. I had just assumed he was a liar full-time, but I hadn't even gotten to let him really explain himself, or even try and get to know him! Who knew, he could've been a really nice guy, and could've been just the same Niall I'd been talking with online for three weeks! 

"Liam? I've been calling your name and poking you for a minute and you didn't answer, are you alive?" Kate asked and I looked up at her in surprise. 

"Why are you home?" I asked glancing at the clock and seeing it was only a little after two. She smiled and joined me on the couch as she stretched. 

"My friends were busy so I just came home to spend time with my best friend in the whole wide world!" Kate exclaimed while she threw her arms around me and grinned up at me. I rolled my eyes and hugged her back so she'd let go. 

"You just hanging out here then?" she asked, playing with the threads on the couch from the loose fabric. I shrugged with a nod as I recalled the events that had only just occured a little before Kate got home. In a way, it was a good thing Niall hadn't stayed since Kate came home early, but that was the only positive thing. I was beginning to feel really terrible because I really had wanted to meet Niall and of course I would only realize it after it was too late!

"You seem upset," Kate spoke as she looked at me and tilted her head in a questioning way. I shrugged and waved it off, grabbing my laptop from the coffee table and deciding the only thing I could possibly do to try and apologize to Niall was to send him a message...

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