Chapter 8

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****Liam's POV****

There was no use denying it anymore: I had feelings for Niall. It had started after we started talking I guess, and even though I was hurt Niall lied to me, I was more attracted to him once I saw him in person. He was way more attractive than the guy in the picture anyways which is why I guess I was defeated for the three days we didn't talk because I was so into Niall...I peered out the window and saw the familiar car drive up. I tried to stay calm, but there was so much I had to say to Niall. He knocked on the door and I waited a minute to open it so it wouldn't seem like I was anxiously awaiting him...which is what I was doing anyways. My heart stopped once I saw him in the door way with a sort of seductive looking smirk on his face. And I also noticed the dark mark around his eye...

"Am I actually going to make it in the door this time?" Niall cracked a smile and I had to push down all the feelings erupting inside of me.

"Of course, please come in," I breathed, stepping aside and letting Niall enter Kate's flat. He removed his shoes and looked around for a minute while I examined the boy in his jeans and red hoodie.

"Nice place! But it's your friend's?" Niall confirmed and I nodded as I shut the door behind him.

"Look Liam, I'm sorry about not telling you. It's just-," he started, but I had to butt in.

"No, don't apologize okay? I didn't even let you get a word in last time you were here; didn't even give you a chance to explain yourself," I sighed and Niall shrugged with a smile.

"Let's just start over okay? No use in dwelling on the past," he smiled and I sighed a big sigh of relief.

"Where is your friend anyways?" Niall asked as he made himself at home, plopping down on the couch. I couldn't fight my smile as I sat across from him in the recliner.

"She's out with her boyfriend. She'll be home any time now. I'm sure Jay's at the airport by now," I grumbled and Niall laughed as I glanced over at him.

"It's way different seeing you hate her boyfriend in real life," he grinned in amusement. I nodded with a smile and took a deep breath.

"Kate doesn't know you're here by the way either should be interesting when she gets home," I mumbled nervously and Niall shrugged as he closed his eyes.

"Don't be nervous Li. I'm a good looking dude, it won't be a problem," he winked at me, my insides turning to goo. It was painful to hide my feelings from him.

"Alright, you better stick to your word," I warned, pointing my finger at him and he grinned with a wide smile.

****Niall's POV****

Liam was actually a really cool guy. His personality carried over from the internet well, so it wasn't hard for me to talk to him like I had thought it was going to be.

"What happened to your eye?" he asked with concern in his voice and I felt this tightening in my chest. Nobody had ever cared about me in the past, not even as a friend, so to have someone worry about me...was amazing. I swallowed hard and I don't know why I started feeling hot and my chest was tightening an my heart was racing. It was peculiar, and I was starting to think I was coming down with something.

"You okay?" Liam asked and the way he was looking at me it was just...I don't know.

"I'm fine, I just. I don't know, I think I'm starting to get sick or something," I waved it off and he nodded cautiously.

"I have some meds if you want some?" he suggested and I figured I better take it because even if I was on my deathbed Zayn was going to make me finish this mission or torture me slowly and painfully.

"Yeah," I replied and he hopped up and moved down the hallway. I started to scope out anything valuable in the house and my eyes landed on a necklace lying on the counter in the kitchen. And then I remembered; Liam lived with a girl and girls have jewelry. I grinned slightly and figured I was going to have to figure out how to get my hands on that jewelry.

"Here ya go," Liam smiled and as his hand touched mine a spark ran through me. I jumped a bit and frowned down at my hand as I breathed quickly.

"Maybe you should lay down Niall," Liam spoke nervously and I nodded slowly.

"Come on, there's a guest room you can crash in until you're feeling better," Liam spoke gently as he helped me up and down the hallway. I saw the large room at the end of the hall and guessed it had to be Kate's. I'd check it out later when I had time and felt better too.

"Here's the spare room," Liam spoke, opening the door to reveal a fairly large room. It had a Queen size bed with simple white sheets and the wood around the room was a deep chocolately color. It was so simple, yet comfortable and almost fancy. Liam undid the bed for me and walked me over to the bed. I caught his eyes and my heart skipped quickly.

"If you need anything don't hesitate to ask," he spoke, pushing back a strand of hair that was in my eye. All I could do was look up at him in wonder; if Liam knew my real story he'd be absolutely appalled of me.

"Thank you," I whispered as he pulled away and went to the door. He turned back and gave me a smile before he shut the door. Now if I wasn't feeling so strange I'd have stolen stuff from the room and called it a day, but I wasn't in the mood; I was feeling so warm and peaceful, like nothing could ever go wrong again, but I also felt like something was missing for some strange reason. I had the answer right on the tip of my tongue, but I dozed off before I could figure out what I was feeling...

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