Chapter 10

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I think I'm slowly recovering from my PCD, but then every time I think about the byos I suddenly remember I was in the same room as them like 5 feet from them and I flip out. I don't think I'll ever fully recover! xx

I think this chapter is really cute with Niam :3

****Kate's POV****

After fighting with Liam, I went into my room, called Jay and cried my eyes out. He told me I had done the right thing by scolding Liam because it was indeed my flat and he was only a guest there, but that wasn't true; Liam was more than a guest to me...he was my best friend and I felt absolutely horrible for yelling at him. During my thoughts and tears, I dozed off I guess, because when I woke up it was eleven in the morning.

“Damn it,” I grumbled, rolling out of bed and examining my appearance in the mirror. I looked like an absolute wreck; my eyes were puffy and red, my hair was tangled and sticking out in crazy directions, and makeup was streaming down my face. I felt like crying again, but I had to talk to Liam first.

“Liam!” I called as I went into the living room and I knew just from the atmosphere that Liam wasn't there. I started to panic; I knew Niall was some sort of murderer! I ran around the house trying to find anything that might be out of place or stolen, but found everything was perfectly intact. I grabbed the phone and frantically typed in Liam's number, but it went straight to voicemail. I immediately started crying as I waited for the 'beep' to make my message.

“Liam, look...I'm so sorry about everything. If you're- if you get this call please...please call me,” I blubbered as I ran my hand forcefully through my hair.

“I haven't been a good friend I know, but I'm just, I'm sorry,” I finished and hung up the phone in case by some miracle Liam could be calling me, but I knew I wasn't getting a call from Liam, dead or alive; he hated me.

“Why was I such a bitch!” I screamed, throwing myself into the couch and crying harder than I ever had in my life. It's true you know, you don't know what you've got until it's gone. I took Liam's friendship for granted and used it against him. I treated him like a child and didn't often agree with his ideas since I'd been with Jay and it made me feel sick. I was alone now. Liam was...who knew where and who knew if he was alive for that matter and Jay was out of town. All I had was myself. I grabbed my phone and called Jay, praying he wasn't in some sort of medical meeting so he could talk to me and try to calm me down if it was possible.

“Kate? It's not really a good time, I've got a meeting in a couple minutes,” Jay spoke quickly and I burst back into my hysterical cries.

“Kate! What's going on?” he asked frantically and I tried to form words, but it wasn't exactly easy when tears were pouring out of my eyes at a rapid pace and my throat was burning.

“Liam, he's- I don't know!” I screamed hoping by some big miracle Jay would understand.

“What? Where's Liam? Did something happen to him? Are you okay?” Jay shot a million questions at me as I tried to regain a normal breathing pace.

“I don't know! He's gone! And his phone...and some stranger he met online was here and now I don't know Jay! I'm scared!” I cried into the phone and Jay took a deep breath.

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