Chapter 22

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Short and suspenseful!!! Back to school for me tomorrow! I'll get in as many updates as I can! (: I leave you with this! Hopefully you won't hate me TOO much!! 

****Kate's POV**** 

I ran over to Liam's lifeless body only to discover Niall was lying next to him in his own pool of blood. I covered my mouth in horror and shook Liam gently. 

"Liam, please," I whispered as I looked to Jay who was standing in the doorway almost frozen in fear. 

"Don't touch them," a voice growled and I saw in the corner three boys step out and I scrambled back in pure fear. Jay ran over and held me tightly as the boys all held up guns at Jay and me. 

"YOU!" I screamed and the tan boy just laughed and shook his head. 

"The cops are here," Jay snarled and the boy just laughed as he came closer with the gun aimed at my forehead. 

"Do you think I care? I've already got my're last on my list," he growled as he bent down in front of me and stroked my cheek with his finger. I flinched away and went to reach for Jay, but when I turned I saw him held back by the two other boys. 

"Please! You've already hurt me enough! My best friend's dead!" I screamed as I looked at Jay who seemed to be uber calm for what was about to happen. 

"Let her go!" Jay grunted and the boy just stared at him. 

"I was going to consider knocking you out before I killed her, but you've just lost that, bring him in front of her," the boy ordered and within a minute Jay was in front of me while we both cried. 

"HELP! HELP!" I screamed an the boy turned toward me, the gun clicking and it pressing to my forehead. Jay was screaming just as loud as the boy turned and ordered the other boys to shut him up. He turned back around, the gun pressing deeper into my forehead. 

"Goodbye, have fun with your friends," he whispered as I saw actual tears in his eyes. I saw his finger pressing intot he trigger, but suddenly he fell down. 

"FREEZE!" someone screamed and the other two boys also fell down. I let out a breath of relief as my body let out more screams and cries as I saw tranquilizers in the three boys. 

"LIAM!" I continued to scream as I saw paramedics crowding Liam and talking quietly. I tried to go over, but Jay held me back as I saw someone bringing in a stretcher and a sheet to lay over him. 

"LIAM NO!" I screamed, pushing past Jay and throwing myself over Liam. I stared at his face and it looked pained. He had gone through so much and it wasn't fair, but I was glad he was at least at peace. I brushed my fingers across his face as I cried over him. 

"I love you, I love you so much," I whimpered and I started to notice a heartbeat under my hand. 

"HE'S ALIVE! HE'S ALIVE!" I screamed frantically as the paramedics ushered me out of the way and threw Liam on the stretcher and moved him out. I screamed, running after them, but Jay pointed to Niall on the floor. I shakily walked over and ran my fingers across his also pained face. 

"They both lost a lot of blood and I'm surprised Liam was the one to survive over this boy," Jay whispered as he bent down and placed two fingers on Niall's wrists. His eyes widened and he nodded frantically as more paramedics ran in with another stretcher. 

"It's so faint, but it's there!" Jay exclaimed as he helped the people place Niall onto a stretcher and they began racing out of the building, leaving only Jay, me, the three passed out boys, and two cops. 

"Where did they take them?" I exclaimed and the cops said they were headed to the nearest emergency room. I nodded ad quickly looked at the three boys who had put everyone in my life through hell. It was surreal seeing them on the floor, handcuffed, and knowing they'd never hurt anyone again. 

"We're safe now," I whispered as Jay wrapped his arm tightly around my waist. 

"Come on, let's go see Liam," Jay said against my hair and we quickly left. 

****Liam's POV****

I watched as Niall went tumbling to the ground as a bullet hit him in the back. I saw the love and happiness drain from his eyes right before they fell shut and he went limp. 

"NIALL!" I screamed out in horror, reaching with my bloody, free hand to try and lift him up, but another loud explosion and a stinging in my arm made me shrink back into the chair. My other hand slipped free in the confusion and I saw Zayn standing over Niall while I clutched my bleeding shoulder. 

"Look at him still fighting to stay alive," Zayn chuckled as he pressed his boot into Niall's cheek and flipping it so I could see how lifeless Niall was. 

"Please! killed him okay?! Just let me go," I cried and he shook his head as he neared me, flipping the gun in his hand as he stood in front of me. 

"You know too much Liam, and why would I let you live? You ruined my entire plan!" he snarled as he ripped the wire from my legs. I screamed in pain and Zayn just laughed. He gave me a good smack before Harry and Louis ran in, pale as ghosts. 

"The cops are outside," Harry breathed and Zayn froze. 

"Knock him out, he's already lost enough blood. He'll be dead within a few minutes," Zayn whispered, tucking his gun into his pocket and Harry quickly ran to me, slamming my head into a baseball bat so forcefully, I was out on the first hit...

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