Chapter 18

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 Sorry this is s short, bad, and in Kate's POV. I didn't know what else to do. I'm sorry it sucked. 

****Kate's POV**** 

"Jay...I know when you called asking if I wanted you to come home the other day I said no, but...I need you...I need you so much...please come home," I blubbered as I shakily held the phone. I felt terrible for being responsible for Jay not becoming a surgeon, but I needed him so badly it wasn't even funny. I bit my lip before I grabbed my car keys and stumbled out to the car, heading to the pizza parlor to infer about surveillance. With each passing minute I could only think about what Liam was going through and if Niall really was innocent. It was hard for me to take in, but it did sort of explain why Niall hadn't hurt Liam or taken anything from him for the entire month he stayed with him. I arrived at the restaurant and shakily walked up to the door. I opened it and immediately felt sick. 

"Hello, how may I help you?" a man spoke with a smile as I walked in. I took a deep breath and nodded. 

"I'd like to speak with our manager about surveillance," I said softly and the host just looked at me unimpressed and shook his head. 

"And why do you think you have the right to look through our personal videos?" he snapped and I swallowed hard as my heart continued to race. 

"It's cruical, please...I'll pay you," I practically cried, knowing this was my only hope. He looked around for a minute and then pulled a boy who appeared to be the bus boy over. 

"Take her to the basement to look at surveillance videos, she has ten minutes and collect $50 from her," the host growled and I sighed, but quickly followed the bus boy down the stairs to a creepy basement. He began to pull down boxes of tapes and I shakily grabbed a tape, popping into the VCR. 

"Have you guys ever watched these?" I asked as I continued to rifle though the hundreds of videos and the boy nodded. 

"You're looking for surveillance of the murder aren't you?" he asked which shocked me and I turned to him and quickly nodded, hoping he had good news for me, but also ready to expect the worse. He shook his head and I felt absolutely defeated and devastated. I started to cry and he sighed. 

"We looked for surveillance, but we think the murders took it with them. I'm sorry," he whispered and I nodded as I wiped up my tears. It was now clear I was either going to have to find Liam myself or he was going to die. 

"I'm actually going to clean up down here today...and I mean REALLY clean, so if I find anything I'll give you a call," the boy said as I quickly gave him my number and thanked him before I stumbled up the stairs and clumsily walked out the door. I got in my car and sat there as I tried to grasp onto the reality that Liam was going to be, or already was dead and I'd never get to see my best friend again. Tears sprung to my eyes as I imagined what in the world Liam suffered through, and that if I hadn't opened the door to strangers, or invited them in that maybe Liam would've been okay and we could've gotten on in life without any worries. My phone started to ring and I saw it was Jay. I quickly answered and heard Jay panicking, 

"Baby? Is everything alright? What's going on?" I shakily ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breah. 

"Liam's been taken...and-," I started, but I heard Jay moving around and he cut me off. 

"I'm coming home babe. I'll be there in a couple hours," Jay spoke firmly and I felt bad. 

"But what about becoming a surgeon?" I asked sadly and I heard him huffing as I imagined he was tossing things into a suitcase frantically. 

"You're the most important thing in my life and Liam is your best friend. I'm coming home to be with you," he whispered and I started to cry even harder. 

"I'm heading to the airport, everything's going to be alright," he whispered again and I nodded as I started the car and decided to go to let Niall know what was going on. 

"I love you," I whimpered, pulling into the busy streets and I heard him suck in a lung full of air. 

"I love you too, see you soon," he replied and hung up. I cried silently as I drove to the familiar prison. I hopped out fo the car and headed to the front desk to request another visit to Niall. The cop gave me a disapproving look but led me back down the halls to the huge metal doors and I picked up the phone while the cop signalled Niall that he had another visitor. I heard Niall's breathing through the plastic sort of phone. 

"Niall," I whispered and I heard his breathing quicken. 

"Kate! Did you find surveillance?" he asked with hope in his voice and it broke my heart as I shook my head and started to cry again. 

"They don't have any, they think the other boys destroyed it," I cried into the phone and I heard him only breathing and I heard him slump against the wall. I rested my hand on the door and sighed. 

"Niall, what do I-," I started, but he cut me off. 

"You have to find him," he whispered and I could hear his voice cracking to signify he as crying. I frantically shook my head as I chewed my lip. 

"I can't! It's danger-," I started again, but again, he interupted. 

"Do you want to see him again or not?! You know what, it probably doesn't even matter okay? He's probably dead or close to it. It's over Kate, there's nothing else we can fucking do," Niall moaned and I slammed the phone down, not being able to think listen to Niall talking like that. I stumbled to my feet and dragged myself down the hallway and to my car, knowing there was nothing else I could do. I got int my car and started to head home. The entire ride I thought about everything that had happened over the past month and a half. If I would've just let Liam live with me then maybe he wanted have gone looking for a job so soon and Niall would've told Liam the truth and we wouldn't be in the situation we were. I pulled into my driveway and when I opened the door I saw Jay tapping his fingers nervously on his knees while he sat on the couch. He quickly jumped up and ran over to me and held me tightly. I burst into hysterical cries as I held onto him tightly. 

"Are you okay Kate?" he asked softly as he kissed my head before he moved to my lips. 

"Liam was taken by a gang and-" I started before my tears took over my voice and I couldn't make out any more words. Jay just pulled me back into his arms and held me tightly. 

"Shh, shh," he whispered as he rubbed my back and tried to calm me down, which somehow miraculously worked. He carried me over to the couch and  held me in his arms as I settled down and he kissed my forehead. 

"I need you to tell me what the hell is going on babe," he gave me a weak smile and I sighed as I nodded. 

" all started when Liam came to live here and he met someone on the internet named Niall..."

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