Selena Gomez as Riley Miller (picture on the side)
"By the time you're back from school, they'll be here," my dad let me know after we emptied out the rooms.
We left beds, closets and curtains for them. They said they would bring whatever is necessary for them, and not to worry about it. I headed off to my room to get some sleep. It's already 1 am, so I knew I'd be tired tomorrow.Homework.
Crap.. I was busy today, I totally forgot about my homework.. Thank god I had only one, I could just do it at school.My thoughts drifted to... current events. And no, I don't mean the world's current events, or politics, or whatever. I meant my life. What's happening? Now I had to share the house with three other human beings I never met.
With those thoughts, I found myself asleep in a matter of minutes.
"Isn't today the day the renters are moving in?" Chloe asked as we sat at our table at lunch. I solemnly nodded. "Sadly."
"Hey it'll be fine. They might be good people," Seb piped in. "I bet they are, that's not the problem. I just don't want to share the house," I whined.
"Dad said they'll be there when I get home. So, guys, let's do something after school? I don't wanna go home.." I muttered the last part to myself.
To get my mind off of things, my friends happily agreed. "Movie?" Holly suggested. "What's new?" I asked. "Well, we could always watch 'The Visit'," Nate smirked.My eyes widened as he said that, and I violently shook my head, "No, no, no, no, no way."
"Aw, is wittle Riles scwared of horror movies?" Nate teased in a baby voice, while pouting to add effect. "No, I'm not scared. Psht. What gave you that idea..""Fine then, let's watch 'The Visit'," he said in a final voice. "Or would you rather go home?" he raised an eyebrow.
I groaned, "You're mean," but nonetheless, I agreed to watch it. Right now, that seemed better than going home.***
"There's no way I'm getting sleep tonight.." I muttered as my face held a frightened expression. "God, you're such a baby," Seb teased. "You know I hate horror movies!" I defended myself.
"Well, now you can cross off 'watch a horror movie until the end' from your bucket list," he said.Yeah, I made a bucket list.
No, I'm not going to hit the bucket.
I only made it for fun, and thought it'd be a great idea to accomplish some things I would not do, before graduating my senior year."What are you talking about? She had her eyes covered for most of the movie!" Nate accused.
"But I didn't shut it off like I did with other movies! I technically watched it until the end."
"Yeah, that's because you couldn't shut it off. It's the theater, you dumbass," he rolled his eyes.
"At least I didn't leave," I muttered.
"Let her cross it off. This is probably the best she'll ever get," Seb scoffed.
I shot them daggers with my eyes, and they finally shut up."Now, you have to go home, Riles. You can't stay out of there forever," Chloe said to me.
"I could always come to your house," I smiled broad with hope.
She chuckled and shook her head, "No, I would kick you out."
"What a friend," I rolled my eyes at her.
"You need to go home," she said in a final tone.
I sighed, "Yeah, I know. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye."
I said bye to my friends and left for home. I didn't know what kind of people they were, but I hoped they're good. One thing I do know for sure, is that I will not be able to sleep tonight without being paranoid. Heck, I couldn't even walk right now without feeling like someone is behind me. I blame Nate for this.I rummaged through my bag to find my keys, and once I found it, I opened my door slowly. This is going to be awkward. How do I greet them? Or do I just go into my room and pretend to sleep. What, no, it's only 7 pm. I haven't even had dinner. Where's my dad? Oh, right, he's at work. Ah, the struggle.
I slowly walked to my kitchen, and found a man and a woman sitting at the table.
Go for it, Riley.

Living With Stranger Boy
Teen FictionRiley Miller has always lived an average life. Caring father, amazing friends, relatable social life, and fun personality. Her parents are separated, but she doesn't cry over that. However, in need of money and no requirement for extra rooms in the...