Shoving snow off of my arms, I wiped the tears that were streaking down my cheeks. The trails of my tears were now frozen, and my face was freezing cold.
I was furiously shaking. Sitting myself on a park bench -that was also covered in snow- I brought my legs upto my chest, as I held my arms to myself, rubbing them together for some warmth.
Here I was, in light pajama bottoms and a half sleeved T-shirt, shivering in the snow.
I couldn't go back to my house now. Not yet.
I needed to get away from there.
Haunted memories from the past came flashing back to me, but I furiously shook my head, trying to get those thoughts out.
But it was too late, as I was already thinking back to those painful memories. I was sure I was out of tears by now, but I was wrong because soon tears were flowing down my cheeks.
Something in my back pocket buzzed, and that's when I realized I had my phone. Stupid, me.
I took my phone out and on the screen, Ryan's picture came up - he was calling me.
I silenced it and put it back in my pocket.Sitting on the bench for another five minutes, getting colder and colder by the second. I was hoping the coldness could numb out my thoughts, as my focus would be on the cold only. But that was kind of hard to do when my phone kept ringing every second as Ryan continuously called me.
Finally when I had enough, I answered.
"W-What do y-you want?" I could sense anger in my voice, which was obviously not directed to him, but I couldn't help it.
"Are you okay? Where are you? Riley," he paused, "Are you okay?" Concern was flowing through his voice, as he repeated the question. Was he really worried for me?"I-I'm fi-fine," I replied, stuttering because of the coldness that I was surrounded by.
"Riley, you're outside? You're stuttering," he pointed out.
"O-oh, r-really? N-never wouldn't g-guessed." Who thought, even in this situation my fluency in sarcasm just had to shine through."Are you okay? Riley, please," he asked, again.
"Ryan, I'm fine!" I yelled through gritted teeth, and disconnected the call.I needed a place to go to. An inside place where I wouldn't die of cold. And of someone I trusted.
Chloe's name flashed in my mind in capital letters.
I stood up from the bench, and wrapped my arms around myself, occasionally rubbing them to keep them warm. But obviously, I was failing miserably at that.
Note to self; when your haunting past is standing infront of you, and you decide to run out the door, grab a jacket.
A honk from a car snapped me out of my thoughts. No, I was not walking in the middle of the road, and I wasn't going to die.
In a daze, I looked around at my surroundings. Darn.. I'm lost. I was so lost in my thoughts, I literally got lost. I had no idea which part of the town I was at right now. I'd never been here before.
I loudly groaned, I needed help. It was already mid-dark, as it is winter, and I didn't have pepper spray either, if you were wondering.
Where do I go now? Scratch that, I don't even know where I'm at. No directions, whatsoever.
Tears clouded my eyes again, and soon they were rolling down my face. I sobbed, particularly into nothing, but I didn't stop myself this time.
I fished my phone out of my pocket, and dialed the first number I could.
"Riley?" a concerned voice spoke through the phone.
"Ryan.." I sobbed into the phone.
"Riley, Riley, talk to me. Where are you? Please talk. You're okay, righ-"
"R-Ryan, I'm l-lost. Can you p-please come get me," I told him as I continued to sob.
"Where are you? Look at your surroundings and tell me," he instructed.I took a look around frantically, looking for any clue to figure out where I am, or to tell him.
"T-there's this diner t-that's c-closed. The name is R-Rack's Bite," I said, "And, there's a, a graffiti wall.""Okay, got it. Just wait where you are, don't move. I'm coming to get you, I promise," he instructed and I tended to listen.
"Please keep t-talking to m-me. I'm s-scared," I pleaded.
I could imagine a smile on his face, "Of course. Are you cold?" he asked. I could hear the door close behind him and the unlocking of a car.
"O-obviously, I'm cold. It's, its f-freezing, and I don't ha-have a jacket," I replied.
"Well that's your fault, now, isn't it?"
I rolled my eyes the best I could in the cold.
After that, he asked me the question I was hoping he wouldn't ask. "What happened, Riley?"I was silent for a while.
"Riley?" he asked again.
I shook my head, even though I knew he couldn't see me.
"Stop shaking your head," how did he... "But it's okay. You don't have to answer me now."
A small, yet grateful, smile crept up my face. I love how he just understood me."A-are you almost h-here?" I asked.
"Yes, I almost t-there," he mocked.
I fake gasped, but it sounded.. just horrible, "D-don't mock me."
He laughed and I laughed along, but it was hard to do so when you're freezing and stuttering and shivering.It just is.
I heard a car driving somewhere near, so I guessed Ryan was here.
I hung up the phone and rubbed my bare arms.Ryan's car, well, his dad's, stopped infront of me and he rushed out the door towards me.
I was engulfed into a hug, and the hug filled me with warmth. I snuggled into his chest, savoring the warmth. After more than an hour I'm getting warmth, so don't blame me.
"God, Riley. You're freezing!" he said worriedly.
"I, I know. Can-can we go i-inside? P-please?" I asked in a small voice.
He nodded, "Right away," and held the door for me to get in. I rushed inside the car and brought my legs upto my chest.Ryan quickly got in the car and turned up the heaters, as he slid his jackets over me.
For a moment, all that was being done was him staring at me. Still shivering, I looked at him, "What?" I asked. A sudden emotion flicked his eyes, as he slowly shook his head before turning to face the road.
"I don't wanna go home.." I said after some minutes of silence, looking down at my hands.
In my peripheral vision, I could see him glance at me, and nod understandingly.I was glad he didn't ask any questions. Frankly, I don't think I could answer them.

Living With Stranger Boy
Teen FictionRiley Miller has always lived an average life. Caring father, amazing friends, relatable social life, and fun personality. Her parents are separated, but she doesn't cry over that. However, in need of money and no requirement for extra rooms in the...