"Tan-ta-naan!" he dramatically made sound effect as he, in his words, 'presented' my grilled cheese in front of me. I licked my lips at the sight. Yes, I've been craving it ever since history, all thanks to Ryan.
"Looks good," I nodded, "As for the taste." I slowly took a bite out of it as Ryan out his own grilled cheese on a plate. It was so good! I moaned in satisfaction, and I could see Ryan tense up from my peripheral vision. Maybe I shouldn't have moaned...He gulped, and took a bite of his own grilled cheese. "This is good," he nodded excitedly, pointing to his grilled cheese. I hummed in agreement.
"Not bad, for a guy like you," I said. He smirked, "Stereotyping, I see." I shrugged, "Like you said, sometimes you can't help it."
He took that in consideration, "Mhmm, point taken."After a while of eating, I said, "Did you see all the lustful looks all the girls where giving you?"
A smirk came upon his face, "I couldn't help but also notice all the glares you were getting."
I laughed, "You know they're jealous of me because I'm hanging out with you all day."
He nodded, "Yeah, I know. Hey, it was nice meeting your friends today," he said with a small smile. I barely, ever, saw him smile. Okay, yeah this is the second day since we met, but still. "Yeah, they're really cool people," I smiled back.So today, during lunch, and even at some classes they had with Ryan and I, I introduced Ryan to all my friends. They seemed to get along pretty great. But I knew in a matter of time, Ryan would be hanging out with the jocks and Sierra Anderson and her group.
You must be confused about who Sierra Anderson is.
Well then. Not to be stereotypical, but every school has that "popular girl". It just does, you can't deny it or avoid it. Sierra is practically that, and her group is her "minions" whose faces were always caked with makeup like they're going to a wedding.Don't get me wrong, I don't envy Sierra. At one point, we were even close friends. But she got carried away with all the popularity. It's not like I was a sore loser, though. I'm not mega-popular, but people knew me.
But frankly speaking, I didn't care about all this. As long as I had my friends, nothing seemed to matter.
And I knew, that soon, Ryan would leave my friends and I to join the mega-popular crowd.
I didn't realize I was lost in my thoughts until someone snapped their fingers in front of my face. That someone, obviously being Ryan.
"Yeah? Did you say something?" I asked.
"No, it's nothing," he replied. I nodded, "Well I'm going to take a nap, can you wake me in 2 hours?" I asked him. He looked at the clock, and nodded. "Sure. If you don't wake up, I'll just dump a bucket of water," he shrugged effortlessly. I rolled my eyes, "Sure, do that. If you want your toes to be cut off in your sleep," I threatened, again trying to sound intimidating. But did that happen? Noooo. The next thing I knew, he was laughing. "Do you think your made-up threats make you sound intimidating?" he asked, still laughing.
"Well, it was meant to.." I muttered quietly.
He pretended to wipe a fake tear from his eye, "Oh, you," still trying to contain his posture."I'm going," I said with finality and walked to my room, where I plopped onto my bed. Ah, my warm, fuzzy, comfortable bed.
"Do you always praise your bed before going to sleep?" a voice made my eyes fly open. Ryan was standing there, leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. God, I loved it when attractive guys stood like that. It made them look, hotter, if possible.
I muttered a "Shut up," and closed my eyes again to get my power nap.
"Can if I join?" there goes that arrogant little voice again. Not bothering to open my eyes again, I decided to attack with my words. "If you don't leave right now, I will feed your fingers to fire-breathing dragons."
He laughed, and I could hear him mutter something but I didn't bother trying to hear what. I heard my door click-close and turn on my side, snuggling my pillow.
As I ran through the gates of the Underworld, Cerberus, Hades' three-headed dog, the size of the Statue of Liberty, chased me down, upto the River of Misery.
Do I jump in? No, I couldn't. I'd be stuck in misery forever. Literally.
"Calm!" a deep voice boomed throughout the entire Underworld. I knew that command was directed to Cerberus, because he stopped chasing and stood his ground.
Hades. It had to be him. I turned around quickly, "Hades! Please, I have not stolen Zeus' lightning bolt. I'm here to look for it!" I begged and tried to tell him the truth.
He laughed, in his deep voice. "And why shall I believe you, daughter of Poseidon? How do I know you're not conspiring against me and my brothers?"
"I would not have been foolish to enter the Underworld when I'm not even dead!" I tried to reason with him.
"Daughter of Poseidon, you have reasoned well. You shall bow down to me this instant, or I will have your head as a ball for Cerberus to play with."
"No, please don't use my head as a ball! Please do-"
I was cut off by deep shaking. "Earthquake? In the Underworld?"
"Riley!" a voice called out to me.
"Yes, I'm here!" I replied to whoever was calling me."Riley! Riles, wake up."
"Riley! Wake up, Riley," a voice called again and my world continued to shake.
My eyes suddenly flew open and I sat right up, gasping for air. Woah.
"Are you okay?" a concerned voice asked.
"Ye-yeah. A dream- no, nightmare," I confirmed."You were begging someone not to use your head as a ball..." I could tell he was trying his best to hide his laughter, but he couldn't. Because the next thing I knew, he was clutching onto his stomach, laughing his heart out. "Who would use your head as a ball?" he said rhetorically. I rolled my eyes and began to get up.
"Wait, wait, wait," he held his hands up for me to wait, "I wanna know what the dream was about," that moron was still laughing.
"Be ready for an interesting story," I said to him, tilting my head once.
He took as a seat beside me on the bed, and I told him everything from the beginning to where he was waking me up.
By the time I was finished, he was doubling over in laughter, struggling to breathe. "Oh, my, God," he paused, "What type of dreams do you dream, Riles!" he said rhetorically.
I rolled my eyes as he continued to laugh. "Yeah, yeah. Really funny, haha. I'm about to burst with laughter," I said sarcastically, using a bored voice and a bored expression on my face.
He finally maintained himself and cleared his throat, "Even in your dreams you're weird," he commented.
"I wouldn't wanna be weird in one world, and then stable in another. What type of a person would I be?!" I exclaimed falsely.
He chuckled, "So, do you want to get some coffee or hot chocolate? I was wondering if you'd like to show me the cafe now."
A smile hugely made its way to my face at the name of hot chocolate, "Okay, let me get ready." He nodded and walked out of my room to his.Not wanting to make him wait long, I quickly hopped into the shower, and started getting ready.

Living With Stranger Boy
Teen FictionRiley Miller has always lived an average life. Caring father, amazing friends, relatable social life, and fun personality. Her parents are separated, but she doesn't cry over that. However, in need of money and no requirement for extra rooms in the...