Chapter Three

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Francisco Lachowski as Ryan

We all sat around our dining table, eating the Mac and cheese I made for dinner. Everyone complimented me on it, even though it was simple Mac and cheese. Oh, everyone except Ryan, of course. Why would he compliment me? Ever.

After dinner, I put my plates in the dish washer and made my way to bed. I turned off my lights as soon as I entered my room, and without even looking at my bed, I jumped on it. Big mistake.

My entire bed was filled with something..foam-like. I felt the gooey substance all over my body and, it felt disgusting. I quickly jumped out of my bed and turned the lights on. I looked over to my bed, only to find it covered with..freakin snow spray!

I instantly knew who did it. Who, other than Ryan, would do this? I'm pretty sure my dad, or the James wouldn't do it, because.. I mean, why? 

I turned on my heels to knock over Ryan's door, but he was already leaning on my door, his arms crossed over his chest, and barely containing his laughter. You know when you laugh so hard, you can't breathe and clap like a retarded seal, and doubling over? That was him right now.

If looks could kill, he'd be 6 feet under right now. I stomped over to him, and made a move to hit him. But he caught my arms before it could hit him. "Woah, there, shortcake." Did he just call me shortcake? I'm not even short! "You!" I yelled, pointing at him. "Me," he mocked.

A smirk creeped onto my face as an idea popped into my mind. "What's with that look.." he asked cautiously.

I jumped to hug him, but he understood my plan beforehand and started running away. "No! I will hug you. Come back, James."

He ran into his room, and attempted to close the door, but keyword: attempt.

I put my foot in the doorway right on time and pushed the door open. I jumped on top of him, and the next thing I knew, we're both sprawling on his bed. We're both laughing like hyenas, as we're smothered in snow spray.

I heard someone clear their throat and I instantly jumped off of his bed, as if caught in the act. Amy was standing in the doorway with an amused smile, "What do we have here?" she mused rhetorically. "It, it's not what you think. You're idiot of a son here, decided to play a prank on me. I only returned the gesture," I say to her with a broad, proud smile.

She laughed, and showed me the thumbs up sign, "Good job. At least, now there's someone who will keep him on his toes," she winked at me. I laughed back and she left after that. I turned to Ryan, who was watching me with amusement. "I'm gonna go take a shower,"
I said to him. "Want me to join you?" he smirked. I scrunched my face at him  and turned on my heels to leave. As I exited his room, I could hear his laughter.

I unknowingly bumped into someone. That someone, being my dad. He looked at me weirdly, "Why're you covered in... is that snow spray?" he furrowed his brows. I explained to him, about what Ryan did, of course. He only laughed. "What kind of a father.." I said jokingly. "The lovable one," he winked. I rolled my eyes at him, and started to say goodnight, but he had more to say. "Take Ryan to school with you tomorrow. Sign him in, and explain his classes to him." I groaned, "Why do I have to be his mentor!"
"Because you're his friend," he said casually.
"I'm not his friend," I mutter to myself. My dad ignored it, however, "After you take a shower, go tell him to be ready for tomorrow. Goodnight, Riles," he kissed my forehead and started walking to his room.

I entered my room, and the first thing I did was strip off my bed sheets and blankets, and then headed off to the shower.


"Do you want breakfast?" I asked Ryan in the morning, after we woke up. "Nah," he responded. I nodded, and sipped on my coffee. I don't drink coffee every morning, it's not like an addiction, either. I only felt like drinking it once in a while. This is one of those whiles.

"You drink coffee everyday?" he asked as he took a sip of his coffee. "Nope. Just sometimes. You?" I asked back. "Same as you."

"Do you want a ride?" he asked when we step outside. I shook my head, "It's okay. I always walk, anyways."
"You sure? I could always give you a ride on my motorcycle," he smirked. "You have a motorcycle? That's so cool," I muttered the last part to myself. He chuckled, "Yeah, and today I'll walk with you because I don't know the way to school." I nodded, "Let's start walking then."

As we were walking, we passed by the cafe where my friends and I usually hung out. That was our regular hang out place. "My friends and I always come to this cafe to hang out. It's like, our place," I said, pointing to the cafe. "Seems like a nice place," he commented. "It is," I smiled, "Ah, you have to try their hot chocolate. It's, just, like, really good."
"Maybe someday you can bring me here," he said with a smirk. 
"Are you trying to flirt?" I asked, furrowing an eyebrow.
He threw his head back, laughing. "Flirt? With you? Oh please, I have my standards," he huffed.
"Oh, sorry," I said in a tiny voice. I don't know, I felt humiliated. What he said, kind of stung.
I think he noticed my emotions, when he started to say, "No, I'm joking. I'm not saying you're below my standards. You're beautiful."

A moment went by as I stared at him, stunned. Did he just call me beautiful? Did Ryan James just compliment me? "What?" he mused with a chuckle. I broke eye contact, "Nothing, it's just.. You complimented me."
"So?" he asked.
"So, I mean, nothing. I just never thought you would compliment me. Like, ever."
He smirked, "And why's that?"
"Because you're you," I replied jokingly.
He breathed a laugh, "Yeah, that's reasonable," he said sarcastically.

I didn't even realize when we got to school, I was so engaged in talking to him.
"Come on, I need to sign you in," I said to him as I pulled him by hand.

He groaned, "I don't wanna go to school," he whined like a child. "Stop being a baby," I chuckled. "Oh please, I'm the manliest man there is," he says in the deepest voice he could imitate. Laughing, we entered school, and I pulled him to the office where I could sign him in.

"Hi, Riley. Who've you got here?" Mrs Carroll greeted. I smiled back politely, "Hey, Ms Carroll. I'm here to sign him in for school."
"I'm Ryan James," he introduced himself to her.
"What a dashing young man," she mused. She's a blonde lady in her late 30's. We're quite close, might I say.

And heck, I gotta agree with her. Ryan is handsome, and might I even add? Hot. I could already tell he'll have all the girls falling at his feet for him. The girls here at Madison

"That he is," I replied. In a way, I complimented him. He did straight up call me beautiful, so I thought 'eh, I'll return the gesture while I can'.

He smirked, while filling out his application form. "All done," he announced as he put the pen down. Mrs Carroll looked over the application once, and nodded. "You're good to go." She handed him his schedule, "Enjoy here at Madison," she smiled at him. Yeah, as if it's a hotel. "Bye, Mrs Carroll," I bid her goodbye as Ryan and I exited the main office.

"Show me your schedule." He handed me his schedule and I looked over it, "We have most classes together," I said to both of us.
"We have Home Ec. first period, which is about to start right now. Let's go," I said to him with a nod, and we made our way to Home Ec.

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