The night ended with me yelling at Ryan to get out of my room to let me sleep. I had somehow managed to kick him out, and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
In the morning, I was awakened with a wet cloth over my forehead. I groaned lightly, feeling sickness hit my head. "You have a strong fever," Ryan's voice spoke up to inform me. I slowly open my eyes, the room was lightly illuminated by the sunlight that was coming to the window, but the window was covered with a curtain.
"I feel so sick," I groaned, turning to my side.
He weakly smiled, "That's because you are.""What time is it?" I asked.
He looked at his wristwatch, "9 am."
My eyes widened, "Ryan, we have school!" I tried to get up but Ryan held me down."Let's get you get better first."
I nodded, and laid back down. "We're leaving at 10, that's final."
He defeatedly nodded, seeing he had no place to argue."Expect me around you at all times. I'm not leaving your side," he said.
I laughed, "I'd be expecting that."After resting, I got up at 9:45 to get home, where I'd get my school stuff and change into outgoing clothes.
"Riley.." he started to say to me. I looked at him. "By any chance, if you ever want to talk about what happened, please do. I'll be right here."
I smiled genuinely at him, because I felt like he genuinely cares. I nodded in response."Let's get going then."
He drove us home, where we could get our stuff. I changed into skinny jeans, but kept his T-shirt on. I quickly washed my face and brushed my hair, putting on a pair of small earrings.
I walked into Ryan's room. He was tying his shoes. He noticed me coming and looked up, still tying his shoes.
I smiled sheepishly at him, "What do you want?" he asked. Darn, he figured it out.
"Hehe... Can I burrow one of your hoodies...?" I asked sheepishly.
He narrowed his eyes at me,
"What for?"
"I feel like wearing an oversized hoodie, but I don't have any," I pouted.
He chuckled lightly, "Fine. Pick any from that drawer," he pointed to a drawer from his dresser.I smiled hugely, and skipped to his dresser. I opened the drawer he pointed to, and oh my god, he had, like, a bazillion hoodies!
Okay, okay, that's a bit of exaggeration.
But seriously, he had a lot of hoodies. There had to be at least 30 or 40 in there.
"A lot?" he asked from behind.
I nodded slowly, "A whole lot."
He laughed, "Just pick one."I looked over the hoodies, and chose a grey one. I put it on and it was the perfect oversize hoodie!
I gave Ryan his jacket back, the one he put over me in the car, and we headed out the door.
We arrived at school during 5th period, which meant I had three more periods left. We explained to the school, what happened, and got late passes. We both had Algebra, cue the groaning, so we strode off.
We handed Ms Hawkins our late passes, which we got glares for, and took any empty seats we could find.
Lunch couldn't have come any sooner. Groan.
Today was the last day of school for the year. Tomorrow, would be our winter dance. My dress and everything is ready, and I'm going with Ryan. Things could not be better right now.
"Do you guys wanna do something today?" Evan asked.
"I think we should do something after the dance tomorrow, rather than today," Nate said.
"But the dance ends at 12. What can we do after that?" Ryan pointed out.
All of us, and I mean all, jutted our bottom lips out, pouting.

Living With Stranger Boy
JugendliteraturRiley Miller has always lived an average life. Caring father, amazing friends, relatable social life, and fun personality. Her parents are separated, but she doesn't cry over that. However, in need of money and no requirement for extra rooms in the...