spark - section 4

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Tai shook his arm loose from Matt's tight grip and ran over to the place where Sachi had last stood. He ran his hands against the glassy surface, as if trying to force his way through it to follow her.

Kari moved quietly over to stand beside Tai and placed her own hand over the back of his. "She'll be okay, Tai."

"I can't believe I let her do this. It's wrong," he said. He pulled his hands back from the dome and ran them over his forehead and up into his wild, dark hair.

"She's always made it back, Tai," Kari said. "She knows you'll be here for her."

"I hope so," he signed. Then, with a blast of fierce energy, he turned to face the group of DigiDestined and their Digimon. "We've got to make this work!"

"We won't let you down, Tai!" Augumon replied.

"As soon as there's a break in the dome, we're going through," Izzy said.

T.K. nodded. "For now, we wait."

Davis shifted from foot to foot and grumbled. "How long do you think she'll take?" His question was met with dark stares from both Tai and Matt. "Yeah, I got it. Shut up, Davis."

As Tai paced back and forth along the edge of the wall, Izzy watched the dome like a hawk, searching for any clue that Sachi had been able to re-program the nanotechs. As the minutes passed, he started to worry. He tapped at the wall with his knuckle. It was still as solid as crystal.

Matt stood next to Izzy, leaning forward and pushing hard against the surface with his fingertips. "Come on, Sachi, you can do it," he whispered. When Tai paced out of earshot, he added, "Tai's not the only one who believes in you. I believe in you."

Suddenly, the dome gave way under Matt's finger and he tipped forward into what looked to Izzy like a strange bluish blob. Instead of pulling back, Matt kept pushing forward and just as he was about to break through, Gabumon grabbed hold of the back of his shirt and propelled the two of them through the barrier.

"Matt's inside!" Izzy exclaimed. He put his shoulder into the spot where Matt passed through and with Tentomon under one arm, stepped through the dome.

The others rushed for the opening in the dome, but only Davis managed to push his way through with Veemon in tow. After that, it hardened up again, leaving Tai, T.K. and Kari on the outside.

The dome shuddered. A rippling of light circled throughout the glistening crystal, turning it as blue as an ocean, before disappearing. The sparkling surface had returned, unmoving and unyielding.

Tai gazed up along the curving surface. "Sachi?!" he yelled. Nothing changed.

On the other side of the dome, Izzy frowned. "We'd better get moving."

Matt had already started towards the tower, Davis at his heels. Izzy fell into step behind them.

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