spark - section 6

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Matt had raced back to the blocked archway as soon as the nanotechs had stopped moving, but it was apparent after a few minutes of pounding and investigating that not only was the blockade completely solid, he couldn't communicate with anyone on the other side. No one had answered his shouting. He hoped they were okay. At least he didn't hear any rumbling from a battle underway.

Perhaps all this was a trap after all, Matt thought. Everything had drawn them towards the tower and the passageway and now he was trapped. Was this all an elaborate lure to get him here? But why he mattered in any of this was a big puzzle.

His only option was to go forward, towards the light that flickered at the end of the passageway. As he walked, he held onto the tiniest shred of hope that he'd find Kyoko and not the enemy.

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