Military Girlfriend

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April 1st was the day my world flipped upside down. I was 19 years old at the time, working at a little cafe in my small sleepy town. You were just a customer with a cute face passing through. Until you started showing up more often after watching the high school football team play.

The football games were always a big thing here. You soon realized that though, when all your new friends kept dragging you to every one.

I always missed them, since my shifts at the cafe weren't always flexible to my schedule. It was money coming in though so I wasn't complaining.

One Friday night, you came in with your friends laughing as you guys took a seat in a booth. I couldn't wait on your table since I was working the register, so it surprised me when you came up and approached me.

Like I said April 1st was the day my world flipped upside down, and I've always kept in mind the thing I told you before you left for deployment later on down the road.

"You're protecting my freedom, so I promise to protect your heart."

And that's one promise I've never broke and I have no intentions of breaking it.....


A/N: I was so inspired to write this story, I really hope it comes out the way I would like it too. To all the men and women protecting my freedom, thank you so much for fighting for our freedom every day! I have the highest respect for all of you. To the families, wives, and girlfriends who have to deal with the deployment of your loved ones. You are so strong and I respect you guys as well. To the ppl who have lost your loved ones in war, I'm so sorry for your loss, but they died a hero and will be ALWAYS remembered as one!

Military GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now