Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:

     It was after hours at the diner, only Nancy and I kept each other company as she counted the profit we earned today at the register, while I watched the Autumn leaves swirl in the air as I stared at the diner window, the wind alone outside made me snuggle more into my hoodie and pour myself some more hot chocolate. Halloween was tomorrow and I just wasn't in the mood for celebration, it takes me everything I have through out the day to try and put one foot in front of the other. These days without Jay are getting harder as the hole grows, i've tried writing him numerous amount of times but I end up crumpling up the paper and throwing it away. My apartment now is scattered about with crushed up letters addressed to a face I can't forget. I tell myself if I meant even a ounce to him, that he would have contacted me by now.

Checking the mail is almost like getting hurt all over again, nothing addressed from him leaves me deflating of hope, and yet I still seem to check. I get lost in my thoughts doing the simplest of task. Chatting with costumers, pouring coffee, or spacing out when Nancy is telling me about other gossip.

"Honey, are you almost ready to leave?" Nancy calls as she pulls her arms through her coat.

I don't want to go home, I don't want to see the over turned photos of me and Jay. Yet it's not like I have a choice, plus she's my ride home.

"Yea, let me just put my mug in the sink." I respond automatically like a robot as I brush pass her and head to the back where the sinks are and return back. We lock up the place and walk side by side as the wind picks up and the heat of our breathe swirl together in a cloud above us.

"Burr it's getting so cold out there, you know I heard it's suppose to snow tomorrow night. I didn't believe them at first because you know them, they say were only getting a dusting but then we end up getting snowed in, but seeing how tonight looks I think we will." She says as we climb into the car, praying the car heats up soon so we can put the heater on blast.

"I know I think it will too, but i'm still hoping this will blow over. I'm not ready for any snow."

"I feel you there, but it will be good for us. This drought is getting worse."

"True but I still don't want the snow."

"I'll take a little but I don't want the blizzard we had a couple years back. Anyway I have you down to clock in at eight tomorrow, will that work for you?"

"Yea, sounds good. We will probably be swarmed tomorrow due to the Holiday so i'll work as long as you need me too."

"Good to know, but there's a catch." She peeks a look at me as I meet her eyes with raised eyebrows allowing her to continue.

"You have to wear a costume, I already got you one. It's in the back."

"And what will I have to be?" I'm not too thrilled with this idea, last year I got out of it because I got sick and couldn't work.

"Well I know how much you hate me picking out some awful costume, so I picked Minnie Mouse. I know it's clique, but it's cute. It's just a pair of red shorts, a black top that you'll have to tuck in and the ears. Simple enough?"

"Yea, that sounds good to me, you better have the heat up or i'll freeze my little mouse butt off." I laughed as she pulled up to my apartment complex. She gave me a disapproving look and I could tell she didn't even want me to get out but this was my home.

I grabbed the costume from the back and kissed Nancy on the cheek. "See you tomorrow bright and early boss." I saluted her goodbye and hurried to get inside my place.

I peered out my window to see Nancy just now pulling away as i'm sure she wanted to see me in safely. I put my costume in the closet, noting that it was pretty cute and grabbed some pjs and panties and walked to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. When I got out and finished brushing out my hair and blow drying it straight I saw that it was already eleven at night and decided to call it a night since morning came so quick.

I plugged my phone in the charger and turned my alarm on, before putting in on my bedside table.

"Goodnight Jay." I whispered into the darkness, wondering where exactly in the world he could be.


It was about two in the morning when I awoke from a deep sleep, I thought it was from a noise outside, or someone breaking in from my sedative stage of being half asleep, but when I looked next to me I realized it was just my phone. I was blinded by the light for a second before my eyes adjusted to an unfamiliar number.

"Hello" I answered sitting up, as my voice sounded groggy. A muffled cry ran through the other line, I was about to hang up before they spoke again.

"Is this Shaylee?" A woman's voice sobbed on the other line. This got my attention as I turned on the light.

"Yes, may I ask who's calling?"

"This is Jay's aunt, I'm sorry to tell you this over the phone but Jay was in an accident. They transferred him to a nearby hospital closer, that's about a three hour drive from where you guys live. I guess he was crying for you before he became unconscious and he always told me to call you if something was to happen. One of their tanks blew up in front of theirs and they were ambushed, Jay was shot two times. He lost a lot of blood. They are rushing to an emergency surgery, I hope you can come out dear. Again i'm so sorry"

I heard a sobbing cry, like i've never heard before. It was filled with so much pain, I didn't recognize it. At first I thought it was Jay's aunt until I felt the tears steaming down my face. I mumbled a thank you as she promised to text me the directions. Jumping out of my bed I got dressed and grabbed a suitcase throwing various items in it.

Please hold on Jay, i'm coming.

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