Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

I think the most awkward moment is when you and a person almost kiss and you guys feel so uncomfortable after, you both try to act like nothing happened even though you are fully aware that both of you are replaying what had just happened in your head on a constant repeat. Yea, well that was currently me and Jay. I've never wanted to open the car door so bad and roll out of it to save myself from the awkward tension that was sufficating the air right out of my lungs and the car. Plus the conversation we had going on now was just pathetic I mean really were currently talking about the weather.... like are you serious? Yes we both know its cold outside but Jay please stop going into depth about the dew on the grass in the morning. I think i'd rather just deal with the awkward tension than to listen why the grass is so wet in the morning!

"Yea, but don't you agree?" Jay asked shaking me from my thoughts.

"Umm agree on what?"

"That the morning dew is so annnoying when you go out barefoot."

Oh my God.. do you see my need to escape this car now?!

"Yea sure Jay." I mumbled as he pulled up to my "house."

"Alright bye!" I yelled as I pulled the cold handle back and opened myself up to the fresh air that was free of awkward tension.

"Hey Shay!" Jay called spinning me around so I was facing him.


"Why are there people at your house? Were you expecting anyone?" He asked eyeing the house that had all the lights on and people inside like a little get together was going on.

"Ummm yea, so I really should go now."

"Kind of looks like a party."

Shit! Just my luck that the house is occupied the day Jay brings me home, I would have made some lame excuse if I had known ahead of time!

"Oh I forgot my landlord needed to rent my place out for a bit so I umm rented a place like a block from here."

"Shay whats going on, a landlord just doesnt kick on the person he's renting the house to."

"Well her and I made this deal that she would take off half my rent if I allowed her to have her family stay here every now and again." I bit my lip hard praying he would bellieve this pathetic lie I was trying so desperatly for him to believe.

"Come one Shay lets cut the crap. I know you don't live here and if were being honest here I should tell you i've known for quite some time."

I felt the whole entire wind knock out of me, this cant be happening. He's going to look at me like im some poor charity case. Oh God what if thats why hes been wanting to spend time with me, not because he's interested but because he wants to distract me from my pathetic life I have.

"How long, How long have you know Jay?"

"Since the first time I dropped you off, At first I believed the whole locked out story but when you texted me saying you were in I was driving around the block to clear my mind and saw you walking to an apartment complex. I was confused at first so I parked my car across the street and saw you had your own key and let yourself in. Then I thought you just knew someone there or looking over someone's place why they were gone but the person who runs the place came out and asked me why I was lottering and I asked him who lived there and he told me it was you. Why would you lie to me Shay?" He looked down at me with so much hurt and disappointment my eyes looked away and faced the floor, i've never been so ashamed of my lifestyle in my life.

"If you knew I was lying why did you keep taking me here then?"

"Because I figured you would eventually tell me, I would act like I would drive away when really I would make a U-turn at the corner and make sure you got home safely."

"I'm sorry Jay I just figured that you would look down on me and not want to hang out anymore once you found out I was some girl living in a broken beat up place."

"You really think that low of me! You really think I'm that kind of a man to just leave some girl because she doesn't have everything she wants? I'm hurt Shay I really am, I thought you knew I was better than that!" He yelled at me, until the veins in his neck were buldging out.

"Jay I-"

"You know what Shaylee, save it. That really hurts me, because I dont know how hard I have to try and convince you that im a good guy. Come on get in the car i'm taking you home."

"You don't-"

"I said get in the car!" He yelled again slamming the driver door shut and starting the car with anger, I looked down the block wondering if I should just walk but my feet carried me into the car not wanting him to be mad at me more.

Remember how I said the drive here was awkward? Well i'd much rather endure that then the way his massive hands gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white, the way he ran every red light, and how he sped far over the speed limit.

He slammed on the breaks as he cut the engine of the car off and opened his door as I started walking up to my apartment.

"What are you doing?" I asked wondering why he was walking me.

"Just because i'm pissed, doesnt mean i'm not going to walk a girl up to her door." He said shoving his hands in his pockets and leaning up againt the door as I retrieved the key from my back pocket and inserted in into the keyhole.

"You know Shaylee, I wish you never would have lied or thought so low about me, because the truth is I would have looked at you in such an amaze way if I knew this is where you lived. Because the truth is I would have held so much respect for you for being the amazing girl you are and having to come home to this. I never once thought of you as a charity case, I thought of you as a girl I was possibly falling for."

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