Chapter 18

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for your amazing support on the last chapter, it means the world to me! Because of everyone's support, I updated early. So continue to vote and I hope you all enjoy this chapter, Ahh I can't believe this story has reached 5,000 reads so thank you for everyone who still continues with this story, I have a lot still planned for it and I hope you're all still around reading it as it unfolds. You guys are amazing! Anyway enough about my ranting, enjoy chapter 18! <3

Chapter 18:

"Dear Jay,

You are right, I do find it cute that your new bee is giving you a hard time for writing about him in such a negative way, I hope you're taking good care of him and showing him all the ropes to survival. Although I know you well enough now to know not to expect anything less coming from such an amazing guy like yourself. The weather has been cloudy and raining although I think I covered that in our last letter, then again maybe not my memory hasn't been the best. Do you want to know why? Because all I can do is think about you, you asked me what am I doing to you? Please baby what are you doing to me? I've practically dropped hot plates of food at my feet day dreaming about you. You're turning me into more of a sappy person then I was before. So expect me crying when I finally get to see you again. As far as your side of the bed goes, don't you worry I'm keeping it warm for you, I just can't wait to have you lying next to me when you come home.

     Look at us, we haven't even moved in together and i'm talking about having you in my bed, but really I can't picture us not laying next to each other at night once your back. You said you wanted to know everything that's going on here until you feel like you are here, so it will be my mission to make you feel back at home as you read this, or at least a bit closer. Anyway i'm laying in bed with the windows open listening to the rain outside, its really nice and helps me sleep. No worries though i'll have it closed up and locked as soon as I go to sleep so you won't lecture me on how dangerous it is to be home alone with a window wide open. The faucet in the bathroom continues to drip, I get so annoyed when i'm trying to sleep and that's dripping, it's like that's the only thing i'm tuned into until I drive myself mad, I've called my landlord a thousand times about it but you know him, he says he will fix it but never does. Hmm maybe Nancy knows anyone who can fix it? I'll have to ask her. The diner has been packed with people these past couple days, so my feet are killing me from running around so much, this being said as much as I love Nancy shes been a huge ball of crazy lately. I know its half of being thrilled at the customers we have been getting and half stressed of everything being in chaos. I've been working over time, which is good because I get a better check and it also keeps me busy. Anyway I'm not sure what else you'd like to know about here... I guess you're right, you were the party in this town ;) At least your the party in my life, you still are. Your letters allow me to keep going, I reread them a lot at night to have you seem closer to me.  Hmmm, what allows you to sleep at night?

     Anyway enough about me, I probably have bored you through half this letter just going on about this sleepy small town. I'd like to hear about things there now. Have you been sleeping ok at night? What are your days like? I want to feel like i'm there with you as well, just anything to not have it seem like your so far from me. Honestly if someone told me six months ago that i'd meet a boy that i'd fall head over heels for in a matter of weeks, I'd laugh in there face and make some stupid joke how i'm forever alone and say something like "things like that only happen in fairy tales." Yet here you are, my knight in shining armor. It would be an even bigger twist if they told me the boy I like would be thousands away from me and we still wouldn't risk giving up on each other.

    To be honest though, I like how our story is being written and I look forwards to filling every page we can of our journey together as we face life's challenges face on. You know when I saw your uniform hanging inside your room the day I found out your secret, I knew then I was falling to fast to let you go. I only started a fight because I couldn't understand why you would keep it from me, I mean im fully aware now why you did but I was also just mad at myself for falling for a boy who could break my heart. You proved me wrong though, So far though we've both proven each other wrong in a few ways.

    A part of you assumed that i'd be like your ex, but I swear to you I will Never hurt you in such a cruel way, and here you are proving me wrong every day that you aren't going to break my heart, I hope you never do at least, but I try to remind myself that I never know what the future will bring. Our relationship scares me, in a good way though. It scares me because I don't think i've ever been this vulnerable in a relationship, actually you're my first real relationship.... and every time I feel myself falling a little bit harder and faster I smile so wide truly happy of who i'm falling for and I accept all the cliche feelings like butterflies and my heart pounding out of my chest but it also worries me because what if you come back and realize I wasn't worth the wait and your image of "Perfection" changes with time?

Jeez baby look at me, this is what you do to me. You make me come off as some emotional hormonal girl. It's quite a scene so i'm sure you're happy not to witness it, I know we haven't exactly said the " L word " yet but every day I get a little bit closer to knowing the meaning it serves and represents. I think i'm learning now that you are my definition of the beautiful word...

Love always

    Your Dearest Shay<3

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