Chapter 21

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Sorry for such the long wait, I've been busy and this weekend im leaving for a couple days since im on spring break so ill try to sneak in another update before I leave. Thank you for everyones support while I was gone. Anyway heres the Chapter, enjoy<3 Xoxo

Chapter 21:

    I find myself walking in an unfamiliar area, my brain tells me this land is foreign but there's something about it that seems so familiar as I walk across the dirt edge leading to no where. All of a sudden I hear shouting as guns go off, I look up only to see I'm in the middle of war.

"Shaylee!" I hear Jay screaming out to me somewhere but i'm confused and scared as I'm left unarmed with bullets flying pass my head. I turn my head to the side to see a bullet hit a man in the chest, he stands there for a minute the light in his eyes fading as blood spills out of his mouth like a dark river. Before I have the chance to look away his eyes lock on mine before they roll back into his head. I let out a blood curdling scream, as i'm running away from the bodies. I make it only so far before a body launches themselves onto me. I thrash around trying to get them off, hot tears leak out of my eyes as I know I will never win against a man so strong and a man who is trained to kill.

"Shayless its me." I fling my eyes open to be met with Jays soft blue eyes, I instantly throw my arms around his neck as I bury my head in the crook of his neck as the tears over flow and my body shakes.

"It's ok baby, i'm here now." He tries to calm my nerves as he kisses the top of my forehead while holding my body close.

"Why am I here, where are we?"

"Afghanistan, it doesn't matter why you're here. All that matters is for you to know I plan to get you out of here, keep your head down while I scan the area." I give him a shaking nod as I give him a kiss and watch as he walks a little looking around. About another minute of searching he looks back to give me a thumbs up, a smile supports his face as he looks me in the eyes. His smile doesn't last long though, before just like the last guy a dark river of blood is flowing from his mouth as he coughs to gain air. I'm screaming worse than I did with the other guy, as he falls to his knees and I'm off my feet running to him, but when ever I take a step to him he gets farther away.

"Jay!" I can't even see right as I stumble over my own feet, the tears of my eyes blinding me.

He looks over to me, and I see six bullet holes in his chest. His hands are covered in blood as he touches the skin before falling to the ground.

"No, you can't do this to me, you promised. Please Jay, you can't leave me." I'm slummed to my knees as well as hysterics take over till i'm in incoherent mess. My eyes lock with his one last time as he mouth I love you. His breathing is unstable and as I whisper it back his eyes fix and dilate. I see the man who killed him as he has his gun pointed to me.

"You stupid American." He screams as he clicks the bullet into place. I'm not scared though because a world without Jay, is no world at all. Yet before he can pull the trigger I'm jolted awake by my alarm.

Tears are flooding out of eyes like a dam being broke open, I can't stop it. My throat is dry and hurts to swallow from screaming in my nightmare.

"It was just a dream, only a dream." I try to reassure myself but my hands wont stop shaking and the tears wont stop flooding down my face. I've had the same dream for about a week straight. No sleeping pill can rid these away, I think it could be from the face that I haven't spoken to Jay in over two weeks. The fear of him being dead or already in a box makes more tears come and another scream. No news though is good news, as I haven't heard from any of his family members. I bring my knees up to my chest and wrap the blankets around my body trying to calm myself down. With a few deep breaths I get the strength to stand up. My legs shake supporting my own body weight as I walk slowly to my bathroom to get ready for work. I look myself in the mirror, there's deep bags under my eyes from to little of sleep,no make up can cover the damage. My eyes are dull from worrying and my hair is a knotted mess from tossing and turning. I can't even look at myself for long so I peel the sweat soaked clothes from my body and allow the water to hit my tense body. When i'm done washing my hair and body I just sit on the tub floor and allow the water to cascade around me. I close my eyes and move my neck and shoulders every which way to loosen the tension. The water grows cold so i'm forced to get out, I throw on some jeans and a short sleeve white shirt and start blowing drying my hair and then curling it. After some make up is applied and I brush my teeth I grab Jays keys and head to the diner feeling a little better about myself since I actually didn't look to bad considering the state I was in.

It has been a total of six months since Jays been away, you would think that he's been away so long it would get easier but it hasn't. It only makes the hole in my heart grow.

"Hi honey, how are you?" Nancy greets me as I grab my pad and pen and tie me apron around my waist.

"I'm Ok, still having those nightmares though."

"I'm sorry Shaylee, I can't imagine how hard it must be for you but he will be home soon enough."

"I'm scared Nancy, I haven't heard from him in weeks and i'm afraid what if something happened to him." Tears are already in my eyes as I lean back against the counter trying to blink them away.

"No honey hes not." She walks over to me and pulls me in which makes the tears harder to control.

"We don't know that though. I mean i'm doing my best to stay positive but its hard when I haven't even got a letter from him."

"We just have to pray that he makes it back Ok."

I hug her once more and grab my stuff and walk to a table to get these thoughts out of my mind for at least a little.

Hours into waiting and serving tables Nancy calls me over.

"Hey would you mind grabbing the back table, someone just sat down and my hands are full with costumers already." As I see her struggling already to serve the full plates in her hands I say no problem and walk over.

"Hi my names Shaylee and i'll be your server today, is there anything I can start you off with to drink?" I ask getting my pen ready.

"Yea, how about you look up from that notebook and give your boyfriend a kiss?"

Confused I look up to see Jay sitting in his army uniform in the booth in front of me as his blue eyes shine into mine. I drop everything in my hands as he slides out and stands in front of me. For the thousand time that day i'm crying as I literally throw myself into his arms, my legs wrapping around his waist as he picks me up and my lips smash into his.

As he holds me close, I realize his arms are my home and my God how nice it feels to be back home.

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