Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

My feet pad against the asphalt as I picked up my speed. It's only 6:00 in the morning but I've been running for already an hour. Its been a week since I sent my letter to Jay and ever since then I've been running to stay in fit. After all, I do want to look great when Jay comes home, I'd like him to be thrilled to come home to me so I've been going to the gym every other day and running around the block when I'm not doing crutches or working up more of a sweat at the gym.

It feels nice actually, to get my blood pumping and heart racing as I listen to the birds awake and early risers off to where ever they might be going. As I jog I think of a lot of things, Jay most of the time but I also think about where the cars are going and how some people will have the best days or the worse day today. I think about my parents and if they're proud of who I'm becoming as I work to be a better person and I think about children in the hospital struggling to fight for their lives as they wish they could run just because that means they're healthy again.

It's been cloudy these past couple days, and as I look up into the dark sky a drop of the sky's tears hits my face. Yet instead of seeking for shelter I smile up at the sky and welcome the other falling rain drops. Drop after drop hits my face, I probably look like a creeper as I smile wide and continue jogging in the rain.

They say if it rains on your wedding day that it's good luck, so please tell me as I run to my mail box that a letter from Jay will be there.

I push myself harder as each step can either lead me to happiness or disappointment. Either way I can be happy, if I get it well that just explains why I would be thrilled but if it's not there it just means that I'm a day closer of having it arrive.

I unzip the pocket on the inside of my purple jacket and pull out my keys, I go one by one until the gold small key comes into view. I take a few deep breathes, some to calm my breathing after all that running and some because my anxiety is getting the best of me.

I hear the key lock into place once I have slide it in and turn it to the right and then left, I give the key a little giggle since the lock on here is getting old before it pops open.

There's a couple envelopes but not many since I check my box at least twice a day for any sign of hope for Jay. I slide my fingers through them. Bill, bill, another bill I have to pay, but no letter from my love.

Yea I'm disappointed, I just want his letter but I try to stay positive as I lock my mailbox back up and stick the letters inside my jacket before running a lot slower back to my apartment to get ready for my shift at work in a couple hours.


"Excuse me miss, may I get another refill on my coffee please." The gentleman in booth five ask as I'm rushing back and forth between tables, today has been hectic and we've been swarmed since I've got here. Nancy practically hit me in the face with my apron and notepad when I walked through the door.

A stressed Nancy is never good, she turns into some untamed beast, not even her coffee can control and that saying a lot since she's so addicted.

"Of course sir, I have a fresh pot brewing right now and as soon as it's done ill serve you some first."

I'm not sure if he thanked me or not, I just kept walking to the kitchen to get the hot plates. The cook was ringing the bell like I was deaf. I swear I wanted to shove it up his... well you know, where the sun don't shine.

I tried to tell myself he was stressed as well, but jeez I'm coming!

I grabbed the two plates of pancakes and hash-browns and I got them to table seven.

"Careful they're hot." I smiled at the couple seating in the booth.

Seeing them made me miss Jay more, and instead of getting all sappy in front of these people I swallowed the lump and rushed back over to get the fresh pot of coffee.

"Here you are sir, fresh and hot. Enjoy." I smiled at the man who has his nose in his newspaper.

Nancy quickly walked past me, with empty plates in hand.

"Nancy, can I take my break yet?" I shouted as I followed her to the dishwasher where I helped her load the dirty dishes.

"When you're down with your tables, I wonder why were so busy today, I mean it's great and I love the service but it's like they all flocked in at once."

"I don't know either, but you've been cranky all day. Have a coffee break ill handle the dishes and tables."

"No sweetie, that's to much for you to handle at once."

"Trust me take the coffee break, before I rip your head off." We both laugh weakly as I make my way back around the tables, working overtime. I didn't mind though, like I said I liked the distraction.

"So seven of the pancake delights and an omelette?" I asked the large table as they all nod their heads in agreement, it's a bunch if rowdy teenage boys, probably around 13 or 14.

"Yea and a side of you would be nice." The guy with the black hair spoke up as he set me a wink my way.

I just laughed at his sorry excuse to flirt and continued walking away. Id rather be dealing with hormonal teenage boys then creepy 50 year old men any day.

The rain was still pouring outside, I figured that's why everyone was coming inside, to seek shelter and order hot food.

After several hours of working Nancy said we were slow enough for me to leave. It was dusk out, the sun mixing in pinks and reds as it set against the mountains in the distance. It stopped pouring and now it was a light drizzle. I put my hood over my hair and jogged again, I even ignored my aching feet so I could get to the post office quicker. I know I just checked it but my hope never flutters short when I think about Jay.

A couple more blocks later and I was back in front of the post office doing the same repressive thing I had just done this morning.

The mailbox opened with a creek, and this time defeat had not found me, hope did. There sitting in a dirty white envelope was my letter from my boy.

Without a second glance I ran home with a smile on my face as I protected my new treasured item from the rain.

Thank you God.

I smiled up towards the sky as I gave a thankful nod to whoever let my letter come, to let me know Jay was ok. This letter didn't just represent our love it represented survival, strength and courage.

As I finally reached my house, I kicked off my shoes and tore off my hoodie as I opened the envelope carefully.

"My sweetest Shay,

Oh how I miss you, things here I've been as good as good can get. I showed the guys my beautiful girlfriend and they couldn't get over how I scored you. I'm not sure how I scored you either but I'm sure glad I did, and I plan to never let go. To answer some of your questions the weather is hot here, too hot when we have all our gear on, and yea there are some new bees, I'm currently a mentor for one and he clings to me like we're joined at the hip, as I write this he's even looking over my shoulder reading out loud each word I write. Ouch, Babe he just smacked me in the head for writing about him in such a negative way. I can't stop laughing because he's beat red, he thinks you're really pretty and he's embarrassed that you will read this. I'm sure you'll think it's cute though, you're such a hopeless romantic, it's quite adorable. I'm sorry things have been boring over there, I understand why though I was the one who brought the party in that town ;) Just kidding, geez I feel like it's been forever since I've heard your sweet laugh or kissed those lips. I'm going crazy without you babe. Gosh I sound like such a girl, what are you doing to me? Anyway enough about me, how's work been? Is the weather ok? I want to know everything I can about you until it feels like I'm there. They're calling lights out so I have to go. I hope my side of the bed is still warm, until next time my beautiful girl.

Love always,


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