Chapter 9: Lysandre

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The television glowed faintly. "Tell us what you're seeing, Diane." The words 'SPECIAL UPDATE' scrolled across the bottom of the newscast as the camera changed to a female reporter standing on the rubble-littered steps of what used to be the Pokeball Factory.

A volume bar briefly appeared on screen as the man next to Kota turned up the sound on the Bureau's screen. He set the remote down and they both intently watched the live update.

"As you can see," The anchor stared directly into the camera somberly, "A tremendous amount of damage was done to the plant, costing, conceivably, over millions of dollars. Fortunately, there were few casualties. Those injured have been rushed to Lumiose General Hospital, but chemical smoke may detrimentally affect sky Pokemon populations. It's too soon to tell."

The camera moved off Diane to show gritty fumes wafting into the air. "Additionally, inhabitants of Laverre City are unharmed, but shaken. Many have taken factory workers, if they did not already live locally, under their wing. The CEO and the manager of the Pokeball Factory are staying with the McNamara family here temporarily until they leave to speak with the representatives of the Pokemon Ball industry. Presumably, this unanticipated conference will deal with the Kalos Pokeball problem."

"What do you mean by 'problem,' Diane?"

"I mean, in Kalos, we could be out of Pokeballs entirely. Every one here," The reporter beckoned behind her at the smoldering remains, "has been reduced to dust. Whoever did this wholly destroyed every building, every piece of machinery, every Pokeball. I'm saying, what does this mean for, not just trainers, but for the economy, for the denizens of Laverre and areas around it, for Kalos. In this reporter's humble opinion, this was not just a factory. It was the lifeblood for hundreds of workers, a chief resource for our region and all those we export too."

"Interesting." The news report flashed back to the main KBC anchor. " Reportedly, the factory's CEO and its manager were held hostage by the perpetrators who called themselves Team Neo-Flare. Information regarding the plant was forced out of them. However, and I do advise viewer discretion as this is only a rumor, two young trainers (Riley and Tomas, certain citizens have said) fought off the criminals and saved the CEO and manager, helping them out before the explosion."

Kota narrowed his eyes, studying the news footage as it panned across the scorched earth. "No one can know for sure what this means yet." The reporter concluded. A crumpled smokestack dismally in the wreckage like a sleeping Snorlax lacking any slumbering contentment. Patches of grass was singed and small fires still fizzled in piles of bent metal.

"Trust me, its much worse up close." Ren stepped heavy-footed down the last steps and into the Looker's Bureau underground room. Her voice lacked any hint of a joke.

"But hey," She turned her head slowly and raised her eyes to meet Kota's and regained a familiar sparkle. "Aren't you just exuberant that I'm still alive? I mean, forget that parade I got on my arrival, this is a cause for celebration." The smirk lasted for a few seconds until the green-haired trainer noticed the sort of lanky character holding the remote that had just turned off the TV.

"Who's that?"

The young man put down the remote and scratched his mousy brown hair. He wore glasses that framed green, inquisitive eyes. "Right, you don't know me." He held out a hand to shake. "I'm Malachi. Malachi Lewis. I work in research and technological development for the Kalos-based IP, in simpler terms, I'm the scientist/toymaker. I've actually been here since you arrived, but, uh, I guess I've been back in the lab for most of the time you've been here." He smiled friendlily. "It's nothing against meeting you, Ren." He quickly corrected. "I guess you'll find it I get a little absorbed in my work."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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