Chapter 2: Robber, Thief, Burglar, Crook

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Several days had passed since Ren had arrived at the Looker Bureau. She hadn’t left the place save for some “bureau errands” with Kota and hadn’t gotten a chance to get out alone since the front door was always locked at night, for some reason or another.

Unlike Ren, Skarmory had been able to go out. The trainer had left the window of her room open and the Armored Bird Pokemon had been leaving through there and flying around the city. It was 12:01, the trainer lay awake in bed. A gust of wind burst in and Ren sat up. “ Out stretching your wings?”

“ Skarmor.” The steel type answered.

“ Lucky you get to be out there in the sky, you know.” She told her Pokemon. Ren turned and flicked through the pages of The Traveller’s Guide to Kalos. She’d left it on her bed the other day and hadn’t bothered to take it off. Wish I could join you like back in Kanto. The green-haired trainer thought. She furrowed her brow, then looked up at Skarmory excitedly. Who’s to say I can’t? 

Ren jumped up, snatching her jacket from a bedpost. “ Skar, meet me on the roof.” The Pokemon nodded quickly and flapped her scissor wings, rocketing upwards and disappearing from the window sill.

The girl grinned. Time to see Lumiose. She picked up her gloves from their place on the desk and slid them on, stretching out her fingers before clenching them into fists. After taking one last thing from the room (Growlithe’s Pokeball) the trainer marched out the door, into the hall, and up the stairs.

Light breezes swirled across the rooftop making the crisp night cooler. Skarmory rested on the edge of the building, gazing out but as still as a Darmanitan in Zen Mode. When she heard Ren’s footsteps her head perked up and she craned her neck to see the trainer.

The girl smiled and released Growlithe from his Pokeball. The fire type bounded to a chimney stack and leapt to Ren’s shoulder from there.

“ Ready?” The girl got atop the Armored Bird’s back and gripped her shoulders. The Pokemon cawed loudly and beat her wings. They were up in the air.

Ren whooped, not afraid of waking the sleeping city, and pushed her goggles over her eyes with one hand. The Puppy Pokemon’s claws dug into her vest as the wind rushed all around them.

Skarmory flew across the open North Boulevard and followed the street past an art museum, Hotel Richissime, and then the Battle Institute. They neared the end of the road and Ren’s steel type veered around as they came to Lumiose Station and the beginning of South Boulevard. The Pokemon doubled-back, passing all the buildings they’d seen before, and dipped down, gliding just above the cobblestone road. A couple strolled on the sidewalk up ahead and as Ren flew by she saluted them facetiously while Growlithe howled in greeting. Their eyes widened and jaws dropped. The trainer laughed at the awestruck passerby as they fumbled to turn on their Holo Caster cameras.

Ren refocused. “ Is here good?” She asked Skarmory. In response, the metal type threw her wings out and they slowed. The trainer stepped off and leaned against one of the buildings. The Puppy Pokemon sprang off her shoulder, panting. “ Need a little rest?” Ren queried and Growlithe shook his head vigorously. A red flash and then he was gone. Growlithe had made his brief apperance, but then it was just Ren and Skar again.

“ Exhilarating, Skar. Thanks.” The trainer slung her arm around her companion and they walked forward.

On their left was a shop, Cafe Triste, that was closed like everything else. The girl took out the map of Lumiose City that she’d ripped from The Traveller’s Guide to Kalos and checked where they were: passing Magenta Plaza.

Skarmory and Ren walked onto South Boulevard. The streets were mainly deserted except for a small blue and white car parked on the intersection of Estival Avenue. The green-haired trainer squinted at it. “ I think that’s a cop car.” Ren strolled over and looked in the rolled down, side window. A man sat with his head lolled to one side, snoring loudly. How can crime be going down with this sort of police? She sighed. From inside the car, the police scanner faintly murmured and crackled. Interested, Ren reached in and turned the volume dial.

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