Chapter 6: The Looker Bureau

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“So, where is this ‘forbidden information?’” Ren did a 360˚ of the main room of the bureau looking for a hiding place for the information she sought. 

Events had unfolded painfully slowly after Kota had finished telling Ren about the information he had regarding the red-clothed villains in Connecting Cave. Firstly, Grant had insisted the trainer go rest up in Camphrier Town before she went back to the bureau. Ren had agreed reluctantly. Then, at the crack of dawn, the green-haired trainer had sped back to Lumiose and met Kota. But even 8 or so hours was nearly unbearable to wait, to be inactive.

“I don’t see why you’re taking this so lightly. What I’m sharing with you is confidential information not open to the public.”

“It’s classified.” Ren summarized. “Then why, of all people, are you showing it to the prying interposer you’re supposed to keep away from this stuff?”

The detective didn’t answer, continuing with his own, seemingly planned, activities. He moved to Chief Detective Essentia’s desk and took a computer from one of the drawers. Sliding it onto the desk, his next move was to connect a cable from it to a strangely shaped outlet on the floor. The plug clicked and a white dot appeared on the computer screen and expanded into a glowing line. Kota spread his fingers out and then simultaneously pressed down the keys 6, R, 2, K, and a strange character that looked liked a combination of the letters ‘I’ and ‘P’. The password appeared on the screen and then flipped and disconnected like a puzzle pieces being thrown from their proper position. A jumble of letters appeared on a screen, in some sort of code, and Kota typed in another combination. 

“Top secret information... On a computer?” Ren sighed in disbelief. “You know that can get hacked right?”

Kota held up a finger to silence her and a spark jumped across the computer cord. There was a fizz and a mechanical sound. The wall behind Essentia’s desk pushed out and opened. Ren swore the smoothly painted wall hadn’t indicated any sign of a door before.

The detective slid the computer back in its drawer, after disconnecting the plug and placing it somewhere out of sight. “It isn’t on the computer,” he responded to Ren’s earlier question and strode down the stairs smoothly. Ren tromped behind him. 

“What do think think the Looker Bureau is, Ren Sayatori?” Kota looked back to see the girl’s confused look. “Let me rephrase. You’ve heard of the International Police?” 

Ren raised her eyebrows. “Yeah, no. Your words,” She made a motion with her hands, “Aren’t translating.”

“Right. Because it’s called the Global Police in Kanto. You may’ve heard rumors of that.”

“ Yeah, rumors. Bed time stories about spies and stuff.” The trainer puffed out irritably. The stairs seemed never-ending.

“This place is part of the International Police.”

Ren scoffed. “Are you kidding? Look, Mr. Detective, you can have your mystery and your pretend PokeStar crime movie, but you promised information. Just let me see what you have about those thugs in red and I won’t bother you.” As she finished they came to the end of the stairs and stepped down into a generally undecorated room. The walls were made of matte metal and an expansive screen was installed into the right wall. Doors with scanners instead of handles seemed to lead to other rooms.

Kota typed 6R-2K-I/P on a holographic keyboard while the green-haired trainer looked around. Well, Kota wasn’t lying when he said the Bureau had more than just that skimpy bookcase.

Scrolling through files rapidly, the detective came upon the one he wanted and opened it. The file expanded into a video that took up the whole screen. A man with dark brown hair and a chestnut overcoat stood in the middle of the screen confidently, straightened his tie, and cleared his throat. The voice came off staticy at first, but cleared within the first moments of the recorded message. 

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