Chapter 4: What Are You Fighting for?

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Author's Note:

Hope you enjoy, vote, comment, etc. please! ^_^ Next week, an action-packed chapter just in time for Halloween!!! (Amaura and Tyrunt are pictured on the side)


Passing through Connecting Cave and climbing down a steep cliff, Ren and the Armored Bird kept on to “the city of rock and sand.” They stopped at the PokeCenter and quickly went back out. Her Pokemon were healed and it was only midday.

Ren wandered around the town, first going to the Bicycle Shop (where she got kicked out of for starting a fight with the owner), then heading to the north side of Cyllage. 

A giant racecourse encircled the whole town. The bike ramp veered through the beach and up (and then down) the steep cliffs. Ren and Skarmory stood near the finish line. A group of people crowded at the tape, cheering and whistling. The green-haired trainer looked up the hill, watching bikers approach it. They raced down, legs a blur as they pedaled. Competitors whooshed by and the volume of the crowd only heightened. The finish line was crossed and the winner skidded to a stop. The final lap of the race was done in a blur.

“GRANT! GRANT! GRANT! GRANT!” The onlookers chanted. 

The winner took off his helmet swiftly and balanced it on the rim of his bicycle. He put both hands up, motioning for the crowd to quiet down. “Thank you,” He told them modestly. “But don’t let us forget all the other racers.” He beckoned toward the tired cyclists behind him undoing their gear. “Did they not do great as well?” The people roared in agreement.

Another biker with ginger hair stepped up. “We’ll see you all next week!” He cried, dismissing the crowd. Ren and Skarmory were left watching the racecourse alone.

“Awesome job, Grant!” The speaker clapped his friend on the back.

“At the end of a race, we congratulate only the winner. And for what purpose, Bryant? Sure, they come in first, but there is no merit given to the other competitors. They all should receive applause for being able to surmount the wall that is finishing the competition!”

“You said it, Mr. Philosophy.” Bryant remarked while laughing at the sudden lecture. “ Gonna fix up the bike. See ya later, mate!” The ginger-haired cyclist left and the others slowly retreated. Grant, the brown-haired, dark-skinned biker, stayed there, cool and collected. 

Skarmory glanced at Ren slyly and the trainer narrowed her eyes. “What?”

“Skar!” The metal type cawed, taking off, and landed in front of Grant.

“Hello there.” The winner patted the Armored Bird’s head.

Ren stalked over to them. “Skar, what are you---?” She started, unangrily but at a loss, and then noticed the biker watching intently. “Good job,” the trainer put in and returned to her Pokemon. “What a---”

“ Excuse me. I’m sorry to interrupt, but I haven’t seen you around before. And I take it as my privilege to be acquainted with everyone who comes to Cyllage City.” He held out a hand in greeting. “So you are?”

“Ren Sayatori.” The green-haired trainer took his hand immediately and shook it firmly. “And my partner, Skarmory.”

“Pleasure.” He nodded at her. “Pleasure.” He nodded at Skarmory. “I’m guessing you’re traveling, then. What’ve you come here for?”

“Mor skarry!” The metal type tried to tell him.

“Sky trainers.” Ren ‘translated.’ “And biking and rock climbing.”

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