Chapter 3: Away

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Author's Note:

Another filler (sorry!), but the action will pick up soon. Don't worry!

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Eight ‘o’ clock: Ren was up, packed, and leaving. She swung her bag over one shoulder and trotted down the stairs purposefully. The Traveller’s Guide to Kalos dangled loosely in her right hand.

“Did you notice any suspicious activity at the emporium before this event?” Kota questioned the man sitting in front of him, the owner of the Stone Emporium. He leaned forward in the chair he’d deemed “where they question clients,” when he’d shown Ren around, and listened intently to man’s response.

Ren looked on with limited interest. She bet the scenario leading up to this had been: #1 police don’t go after the other alleged stolen property, #2 owner is furious and employs Looker Bureau for help, #3 Kota takes the case.

As the owner answered, a million speculations, deductions, and facts pumped through Kota’s head and into his fingers which grasped a pencil and jotted shorthand down on a slip of paper.

The trainer rolled her eyes and continued toward the door.

“Interesting,” The detective muttered half-mindedly in response. In the corner of his eye, he noticed Ren and put his pen down on the table. “Excuse me.” He stopped the man from saying more and turned to Ren before she could reach for the door handle. “What are you doing?”

“I’m leaving. Probably going to Route 5.”

He scowled, thinking. She had no way of going back to Kanto and last night’s crime was a rare one so interfering with the police wouldn’t be a problem. Additionally, she’d be dead weight when it came to investigations. The figures added up. Kota opened his mouth to reply, “Do what you want. I’m not looking after you.”

Ren was silent for a second, caught off guard by the sudden freedom. “ You never were,” she replied sharply and slammed the door as she left.

“Could you describe the events leading up to this?”


Ren got to Versant Road going past a skate park and up an incredibly steep hill. Tall grass with Doduos, Bunnelby, and Skiddos covered the route. A small forest of bamboo rose in front of her. She entered under the cover and looked up to see Panchams nibbling on the leafs. Skarmory watched them patiently.

Ren looked down at the book she’d taken from the Looker Bureau, the traveling guide. It was open to a page showing a beautiful city on the coast of Kalos, nestled between the sea and the steep rocky cliffs. Buildings either had thatched or domed roofs and the whole town was a rustic brown. “Cyllage City: A city for peaceful strolls and intense Bicycle races.”

“Bike races, rock climbing. Plus, it’s known for its sky trainers,” Ren added for the Armored Bird, “If there’s anywhere to go in Kalos, this is the place for us.” 

They walked on in comfortable silence for a bit until Skarmory burst out, “Armor! Y!”  Her gaze darted from place to place, watchful. Ren tensed; Skar was always the first to sense danger and Ren trusted that instinct with her life. The green-haired trainer’s hands found their way to Growlithe’s Pokeball and she gripped it tightly. Her feet slid into a fighting-ready position.

“Hey, mademoiselle! Mademoiselle!” A boy burst out of the brush, waving his arms above his head. He had dark brown hair in a ridiculous quiff, a white and blue outfit, and dark skin.

“Hmph,” she uttered as he came closer. Ren’s right hand slid off of her other Pokeball and she put her hand’s on her hips. “Yeah?”

“I’m Hamish and we’re about to battle. Wait ‘til you see Kadabra’s Vital Spirit ability.”

“What? No.” The green-haired trainer shook her head; partially confused, mostly irritated.

“Yeah, but we locked eyes. You have to battle me!”

What kind of logic is that? “Kid, I really don’t want to.”

“ You don’t want to battle me?” He frowned disappointedly. “ But I’m a Rising Star.”

Ren raised her eyebrows at the title. Honestly she hadn’t Pokemon battled much. The girl had faced criminals plenty of times, but if Skarmory and Growlithe fought, she fought with them. She looked to her metal type for a decision. With a look, Skarmory translated a cocky smirk that said: Let’s cream these guys and quickly switched to Come on. Please, Ren.

The girl stifled a laugh and collected herself. “ Be prepared to lose.” She finally answered Hamish, regaining her overly superior air.

The trainers sent out their Pokemon. It was Growlithe versus Kadabra.

The battle lasted much longer than either of them had expected. The psychic type teleported around the path, dodging most of Ren’s Pokemon’s Take Down attacks. Psybeam and Flame Burst collided in a brilliant red-purple explosion, neither move being able to overpower the other. Kadabra used Confusion more than once, but Growlithe was able to block the psychic waves with Protect. Somehow, both Pokemon eventually fell, tying the battle.

“Wow, that was pretty awesome!” Hamish exclaimed, crossing the “field” to shake hands.

Ren grumbled. This kid was obviously an amateur. Then again, so was she, to this type of battle at least. She took his hand reluctantly. “ Yeah. Good game or whatever...”

“ Wellp.” The boy put his hands on his hips and leaned back, stretching. “ We’re gonna go heal up. Laterz!” He ran waving goodbye enthusiastically and disappeared into the bamboo forest.

Ren’s head was buzzing. She felt... Invigorated. And she knew why. The battle. The trainer had seen how Growlithe fought: boldly and offensively. And Kadabra: carefully and defensively. There was a difference between “criminal battling” and Pokemon battling. Opponents were smarter, not predictable. And while Ren couldn’t jump in to fight with her Pokemon they could still communicate, guiding each other through moves and strategies.

The green-haired girl exhaled, not realizing she had been holding her breath, and let the thrill of the battle pass over. “ We better get healed up too.” She returned Growlithe to let him rest in his Pokeball.

Ren started walking and Skarmory took to the air to fly overhead. The two continued towards Cyllage City, the midday sun shining intensely above them.

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