Chapter 1: Technical Suspension

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Author's Note:

Before you begin reading, know this: this chapter is a slight filler. Not that nothing happens or it isn't important, but it's just setting up. In any case, I hope you like it and vote and comment if you do. I'll update very soon. ^_^

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A Skarmory tucked her head between her wings, perching on a wooden crate next to the green-haired girl leaning back against it. In the girl’s lap was a small Growlithe snoring lightly in his curled up position. Ren huffed. She sat on the metal floor of the cargo plane bringing her to Kalos. 

I didn’t want to just sit in jail, that would’ve just made me lose time to Team Rocket, but going to another region?! That’s just taking me farther away! Angry thoughts rolled around in her mind as the trainer mulled over the options she had. Run away, but then I’d get caught. Find a way back to Kanto, but I don’t have the means. Or... Stay... In Kalos.

“Ugh! The chief’s so stupid. They’re never gonna find Rocket when they don’t know where to look!” The Growlithe resting on her feet glanced up at her with a look of tired annoyance. Get over it, his look said and the fire type plopped his head back down.

Before leaving, Ren had been told more about where she was going. The Looker Bureau was what the chief and the officers had called it. It was some small detective-like agency in Lumiose City. Apparently a couple months earlier in Kalos there had been an “incident” with a legendary and the CEO of a major tech company going mad. Ren had only seen brief articles, though. It had been a while back, so it seemed like the excitement was over, unluckily for the thrill-seeking trainer.

“First class, huh?” The girl told her Pokemon sarcastically, unable to rest. Skarmory churred in agreement. She grew quiet and thought back. Kanto. Team Rocket. How had they even gotten to being disbanded?

Years ago, a strong trainer, Red, had defeated the organization and retreated to the top of Mount Silver a snowy peak between Johto and Kanto.

After Giovanni died, Team Rocket had resurfaced at least three times in Kanto and other regions. However, other Pokemon trainers had beaten them out and small, broken-up squadrons remained in Ren’s home-region trying to regroup. The girl had tried to get their plans to stop them for good, but they’d gone underground again. And it’ll be awhile until they come back. You’re not missing anything, Ren thought, trying to put her mind at ease.

You’re obsessed! The chief of police’s voice rang in her head. She shook it. No. I just want to stop them.

The plane shook, hitting some turbulence and then slanting downward. “ Descending,” The intercom told its few passengers boredly.

Ren withdrew her Pokemon in a red flash. The Kalos region. Hopefully this’ll be somewhat interesting.


Ren stepped out into the main hub of the airport. Her knapsack hung over one shoulder. It held her Pokemon balls, Holo Caster, and whatever else she’d stuffed in it for the ‘trip.’ More like exile, the trainer reminded herself bitterly.

‘Ren Sayatori of Kanto,’ a sign had written on it in neat handwriting. “To the Looker Bureau,” was scrawled under that in small letters. A teenage boy held it up professionally. He wore somewhat formal clothes: a white collared shirt, a slim black tie, dark pants and shoes, and a long, charcoal gray overcoat that lazily drooped over his shoulders and almost touched the floor.

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