Chapter 5

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There was a long silent pause between us."How did I you know?"I ask again."Your blood told me."He said.I clenched my fists."Max isn't your name,well your real one,you knew your real one,but you rejected it,Why?"He asks."Because Lacie killed my only hope of not getting hurt.Yes,I changed my name,I changed who I am because I killed my mom long ago,if I changed my name I wouldn't be called a murder.So I killed Lacie and Max was taken in her place."I state harsh but my eyes softened,tears formed."Excuse me."I state walking away,not really caring if he follows.

I climbed into my black version of Seras's coffin an shut my eyes.No longer than five bleeping seconds I'm bored out of my mind.I wonder why?I climb out and jump onto the pillar in the top of the room.I lean my back against the middle one."He's gone you won't see him again,he's were he belongs."I keep reassuring myself.The bobbie pin that holds my shoulder length bangs on my heart side I slip out and my brown bangs fall into place.My hair seems darker than yesterday.A door opens and Seras walks in.Alucard with her."Master what are we to do,the Major asked for Integra and company.I don't want Max to be apart of this."Said Seras concerned."What other choice do we have."He said looking around the room."Do I have a chance to shoot the slimy basterd?"I ask.I jump down on my toes and my finger tips.I stand to my level."What do you say Max?Want to prowl?"Asks Integra."Why not."I reply with a leer."Even so she's not properly attired."Said Seras."Quite true,but I have something that can change that."Said Walter.

"There a perfect uniform for you

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"There a perfect uniform for you."Said Walter.He made a black leather uniform for any such occasion."It has a black leather jacket with some alterations,the jacket has been cut mid stomach to prevent any,getting stuck situations.A black undershirt which goes under the jacket.The skirt is leather as well,it has three choking strings connected the the hip flaps along your hips.Mid thigh socks,black of course,and the final addition,black knee high sport heels,three inch,lace up the highest quality."He said."An your weapons,match Alucards Jackals,same bullet,same design,but the color is red and black to prevent confusion.Your knifes are against your calls in your boot and in you harness behind your jacket,and your gun harnesses are against your thighs."He said revealing me to the group.Seras and Integra that is."Oh how lovely."Said Seras."Very nice,I think you've out done yourself this time Walter."Said Integra."I'm glad you think so Ma'am."He replied.We walked to Integra's office were Alucard held and living man in the corner of the room."The messager?"I ask.He looks to me to reply but doesn't reply."I take that as a yes."I reply.He nods."Your free to leave."Said Integra.I could hear his heart racing,full of fear.How can I hear it?He walks up and sprints out of the room.My fingers twitched."Max."She stated blankly."All yours."Those words released me for the kill.I ran after the man.Before he reached the door I pierce his neck while he ran.His blood wasn't as good as it smelt but my thoughts left me after the first few mouthfuls.I drained him dry,just in time to see Integra and the rest find me on top of him.My mind reappears again and I check my pulse.23 per minute."What did I do?"I mumble."Whoa."Whispered Seras.I stood up shaky.I killed him by my own teeth,I look on his chest to see if he had any badges on his chest,he had non."Your a rookie."I thought."We have to get rid of him."Said Integra."No we should return him."I reply.They look at me crazily."He's a rookie,the major better have a pretty good reason for this."I state."If he did this for fun,he's going to answer to me."I state with anger in my tone. 

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