Chapter 4

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The roof of the manor we were located was damp from the fog."I'm a vamp know."I think.A bird flies around me,then lands on my knees."Your free.Go on."I shoo it away."Tony,I'm so sorry."I state morning over my cousins death.

-:The Angels wings full of pain
Still lost yet found
The blood of the enemy
Still decorating the sky,land and sea
You who follow
Those who swallow the pride of a fool
Even then you see the blood of an angel,the blood.....the blood:-

I was on the verge of tears."An Angel."I state releasing the only salt tears I have left to shed.My now dead heart prevents the pain from consuming me fully."Your so stupid to drag them into this."I think."I now okay."I reply to myself."Your stupid father can't even cover his own rear."The voice replied."I just need time alone okay."I state to the voice,Moments of silence filled the air and my head.Faint footsteps filled the wind.I wipe my tears away."I've never heard anything so pure in my lifetime."He said."Don't get used to it Alucard."I state."How did you sing like that?"He asks."It doesn't matter."I state.I stand and wrap my hands tight against my chest."I'm assuming since your here Integra wishes to see me?"I ask."Yes."He replies.He guides me to Integra's office,I follow completely sure I wouldn't crack.I hear her voice down the hall."......He's a idiot Seras,he shouldn't have done such a thing."Her hard,cruel tone replied.I step in after Alucard.Integra's blue eyes sight me down."Knock Knock."Said Alucard in a mocking tone.He knew he screwed up."Seras Victoria and Integra Hellsing,It's a pleaser to meet you."I state bowing."An how do you know of us?"She asks."I think Alucard should explain himself,after all I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him."I state smirking lightly."True."She says lighting a cigar."Miss HellSing,if I may,the tobacco in your cigar will slowly kill of your lungs."I state politely.The cigar falls from her teeth."My apologies if you don't believe me Ma'am."I finish."It's quite alright."She said."So what's your story?"Integra asks."My father is a rapist and a abuser,I'm his toy in both cases.Every night he did as he so pleased since I was 11,Ma'am."I reply.Her eyes widen in surprise,I assume she thinks I would sound childish about it."How old are you exactly?"She asks."Seventeen,Ma'am,turning eighteen on December 7."I state."Funny,you sound much older."She replies.Seras walks up to my and crushes me in a hug."Such A foul man."She stated."I'm used to the pain by now,no need worry."I state to her.She releases the hug."Well how rude of me,I don't recall asking your name."Said Integra.I look to the ground."Miss?"She asks."Max,"I state."Max is my name."I reply."Any last name?"Alucard asks."No I never had one,I named myself Max and Max will stay."I reply."Where is your mother?"ASked Seras."Dead.I killed her at child birth."I state."Your father told you this?"Asks Walter."I know it's true."I reply to the Butler."No use in denying it."I finish,my voice thick."Well since your a vampire know,Walter will take your measurements for your coffin,Alucard you are to explain yourself."Alucard gave me a playful heated glance.I give one right back with a wink.
Walter took my measurements and began to work on clothing and a coffin.I walked in the hallways of the manor.I walked to the library and read some books,particularly 'Dracula'.I was so caught up I didn't realize a hand on my shoulder till about a second it was placed there.I turned and elbow the person in the chest.I lay on top of them and hold a dagger to the throat,the same one I used on my father.Walter had eyes of fear."Walter,Oh my gosh,I'm so sorry."I state helping the butler up."It's fine,a adrenaline rush it was though."He said."You made me worry I thought you were lost."He said."Whats going on in here?"Asked Alucard."I kind of snuck up on Miss Max here and I,well got punished."He said.I left the room and Alucard followed."For a human not bad."He said.I face him quick and put my dagger between us."I'm not human anymore,do you recall?"I ask Stiff.I turn and continue walking."Lacie."He said.My heart thumped."How did I you know?"I ask.

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