Chapter 14

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I felt a cold firm hand on my forearm.I open my eyes to see a gloved hand.Wait gloved?I blink my eyes a few times trying to process the new information."A lovely Vampire,"Said the voice of the Major.A sword struck through me in a flash."Yet foul."

I jump wake being held in a firm but gentle grip.I lean against him and sigh."Sleeping by the window isn't safe."He lectured."I know."I growl back.His heart was beating in a smooth and shallow pattern.I smile knowing I'm doing this to him.He strokes my hair and kisses my forehead,walking to his room."Goodnight."He whispered

I could feel the warmth of the sun fading and I knew night was approaching.I open my eyes and see the stoned walls of Alucard's room.I sigh and pinch myself.Finding the same view.The once white bed sheets now a red,silk red."I..I can see."I mutter looking at the room again.I look behind me to see the vamp next to me,sleeping soundly.I brush some of his bangs around remembering his words."You'll see me again."I run a finger under his eye lid.I peck his lips slow and soft."Wake up."I purr.He growls in annoyance.He hated rising so early in the night,before the sun was fully gone.I climb out of bed and get dressed."You'll hurt yourself love."He said."Why didn't you tell me about the new bed sheets?"I ask fixing a tangle in my hair."Because you couldn't.."He stops,standing and slowly walking to me.I stood there smirking in the mirror as he comes and slowly turns me around almost unsure if I'm Max."You?"He asks.I nod and kiss his deeply.-I've longed to see those eyes again-I think to him.-Ah yes my love,your days of seeing the darkness are over-He minded back.We pull away both out of breath."Lets tell the others."I say grabbing his hand.He tugged on my hand and scooped me into his arms holding me bridal style."You Dork."I chuckle to him.

By the events I have missed I wouldn't have a clue of which mission we are on,but I would find out.I walk into Integra's office first than Alucard follows."Alucard,Lacie whats wrong?"She asks bored."Integra which mission is Alucard on next?"I ask."Well,wait why would you want to know?"She asks back her eyes narrowing,God I missed those eyes.I smile at her. She stood an slowly observing me."I can see Integra."I state.She looks to Alucard."Is it true?"She asks as he nods.Her eyes smiled to me and so did her lips."Walter and I are going to talk with Sir Penwood in regards to a vestal which was hijacked."She said Blank.My eyebrows rise.Have I missed that many missions have I missed that much,have Seras and Alucard been fighting by themselves for that long.I froze my thoughts that means the Major is dealing the cards,the next victim was Rip Van Winkle.Then that means.No Walter wouldn't he wouldn't. I had to change the winning pair."Lacie?"Asked Alucard."Yes?"I question snapping away from my thoughts."You need to get ready for the mission."Said Integra who dismissed us from our standing faze.

"Walter I need to speak with you."I state to the butler."Of course Ma'am."He said following me to the library."What is it Ma'am?"He questions once I shut the door."Angel of Death."I state stern.He gasped but he still was tense."Why would you betray the HellSing Organization,you now Integra needs you."I state."How do you know of this?"He questioned venom in his tone."Walter if you remember correctly I am from a different time zone,a different world,one who knows the way this game is played."I reply facing the butler."Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor,My bullets punish all without distinction."I say as if possessed.His eyes narrow then I am wrapped in his blue strings.Some cutting into me,while others just barley skim my skin.Hatred in his eyes told me he would do it,he would kill me.But the softness in his breathing told me other wise."Such a human of a fool."He said releasing the wires from my body ,I fall to my knees."I will serve HellSing but I will have to complete my mission from Millennium."He said helping me stand.I walk tot he door."Walter?"I question."Yes Ma'am?"He replies.

"Thank you."  

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