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Shadow POV

My father is insane. I still don't get it how come mum will love him and how could he become a King , who the hell choose someone like him to be a king ? I , Shadow the hedgehog , prince of darkness, would rather die than to be his son.

"My prince, the King ask you to meet him at the dining room." A maid come in. She is a pink hedgehog,with green eyes just like her brother Sonic , Amy Rose. (I decided to set Sonic and Amy are siblings in this story) "Right now?" I ask. "I afraid so, my prince." She says, she know that I hate my father , Black Doom . "Fine..." I went to the dining room. I see my father is waiting me.

Normal POV

"There you are my son!" Black Doom said. "What do you want?" Shadow ask . "Now my son, don't have to be so rude. As you see your brother Mephiles has a kingdom already, so I decided you should have your own too!" Black Doom said. Shadow's eyes are all widely, his mouth was almost open . "You mean you are giving one of your kingdom to me like you did to Mephiles ?" He ask "That's right my boy ! You will marry a princess and have your own kingdom !" The King said. "So who is the princess that I need to marry?" Shadow asked."Don't have to be worry you will know it soon . Now go to the slave market and buy a slave ."

Shadow POV

"What!?" Am I hear wrong or did he just say but a SLAVE !!!!!!!!!!! "You hear me go to---" "No I'm not asking you to repeat what you just say ! I was asking you are you serious?!" For the love of...Dad I am clearly not deaf ! "Well of course! Why did you say that ?" He asked ."Cause I don't get it why the heck you are calling me to buy a SLAVE!!!!!!!!!" What the fu€k !!!!! Is he really that stupid?! "To show the princess how powerful you are!" He answered. Grrrrrr , I have no idea what is him up to... "Fine..."I replied him."Good . Now get going! The car is ready for you ." He said. *sign* He is insane ,stupid and annoying!

Normal POV

Shadow went to the castle gate , the car is ready for him and Sonic who is Shadow's servant is waiting him. "Good afternoon, my prince." He greeting "*sign* Sonic, what do you think about my father?" Shadow gets in the car and ask. "Well..." Sonic doesn't know what to say , cause Black Doom is his King ,this is rude to complain his King . "Say the real word!" Shadow order "Two words, crazy b*+€h ." Sonic reply "Exactly what I think."

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