chapter 5

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Grayson caused a real stir in school all day. All the girls wanted him all the guys wanted to be him. In the hall all you could hear was whispers of 'omg he's so cute and giggling as he passed. Typical teenage girls I thought to myself. But I couldn't help and agree with them he was hot and actually really friendly. I looked out the window in Biology, it had started to rain, I thought back to Graysons offer of a ride home.

I shook myself. What was I thinking? If my dad saw him, god knows what he'd do or worse say to him? No. No way could I let myself get close to anyone. It was too risky.

The last bell rang. Students were jumping up and running for the door, I got up slowly. I headed to my locker, it was Friday was a football game on tonight, not that I had any interest.

I passed the cheerleaders talking about some stupid new cheer they would be doing. Then Chloe came along talking about some big party later on and how she was going get Grayson.

'I mean, we are so perfect for eachother' she was saying, her drones all agreed, nodding there heads. I snorted not an original thought to be said.

'EXCUSE me' she turned to face me 'If you want to make animal sounds go to a farm where you belong'

Everyone laughed. I just kept walking, I knew better than to draw her on myself.

I walked out heading for home.

'HARLEY...HARLEY' I heard someone calling my name. MY blood ran cold.

OMG it was my dad. I kept walking as fast as I could, please not outside school was all I could think. I heard heavy foot steps behind me, I started to run. Someone pulled me back.

'Please not here' I said before turning around.

It was Grayson. He looked really confused. Then concerned.

'Sorry' he said ' I just thought you might like a ride home?' he looked at me like he wanted to say more.

Before he could I forced a laugh.

'Ha ha, ahm ya thanks, I can get out in Peachmount Avenue, I'll walk the rest of the way' I said trying to sound normal. My heart was beating so fast, I tried to calm myself down.

'I'll bring you home Harley, its only like an extra two minutes' he said shaking his head.

'No, I'll walk so' I said.

I knew he was trying to read my face, and I could see him looking my cut lip and bruised cheek. Shit I knew I should have topped up my make up I thought to myself.

'Do you want to come over?' he asked. I couldn't read his face, it was neutral.

'I-I just remembered, I had to do something, so maybe another time' I turned away from, but not before seeing a flash of hurt cross his face. My stomach clenched. It's for the best I told myself. Besides if he ever found out he'd think you were a total freak. I walked away from him, tears blurred my eyes.



I watched Harley walk away from me. That was one strange girl. But I swear I saw tears in her eyes and was her face bruised?

Damn I thought to myself, I'm here a day and already I'm worrying about some girl who I don't even know. I tried to shrug it off. I was used to shouldering responsibility, I always had. My dad left when I was ten, and my mom was the greatest but I always felt I needed to be man of the house after that. We'd moved here to start fresh and my moms ex got kinda freaky when they broke up. Nothing dangerous just intense so when she got offered the job here she jumped at the chance.

I thought back over the people I met today, there were some cool people in this school. Of course there were the usual wannabies like that girl Chloe. Talk about intense! She all but threw herself at me and then I heard her telling her friends we were perfect for eachother. She doesn't even know me! I was totally thinking of avoiding the party but some of the guys on the football team were going. I wanted to make friends and hopefully try out for the team. I was a damn good running back, and really loved it. I loved all sports really, I took care of my body and knew it was a good one. Not that I was overly cocky just confident and alright a little cocky.

I drove home, putting Harley out of my mind, I'd ask around about her later. I got home. Ny mom had a note left on the kitchen counter;

Working through the night, home tomorrow. Can't wait to hear about your first day! Be GOOD!! love you Mom x

I laughed, we were really close. I sent her a text, telling her I was going to a party with some new friends and not to worry.

I made myself some chilli for dinner, washing up when I was done. If my mom taught me anything it was manners and keeping the house clean. I looked at the clock, it was 8.20. Damn I'd want to get a move I thought to myself. I ran upstairs and jumped in the shower, I couldn't help but think of Harley. She was sexy in a subtle way, but she did have one heck of a body, I started to get hard thinking about it. Time to turn the water down I though to myself. I laughed and got out wrapping a towel around my waist. I walked to my walk in closet. Pulled out a pair of darkish distressed denim jeans and a navy casual shirt. I pulled my clothes on and gelled my hair.

I picked up my phone when I was ready and sent a text to Shawn asking for directions to the party.

He replied pretty fast;

no man, ill pick you up in ten

Sweet I thought easier than trying to find my way there.


The music was great and the beers flowing. This was great! I was talking to a group of girls and guys who seemed cool. Shawn and his girlfriend Sam seemed really cool and were so in love it was cringey. Black Eyed Peas new song came on and next thing I knew Chloe was walking up to me, wearing practically nothing and starts gyrating herself against me. She seemed a bit pyscho to me but man could she dance. She put her hand on my crotch, I was already hard.

'mmm' she say 'lets go upstairs'

I knew better but after loads of beer and shots I was horny as hell and shamefully I have to say she was throwing herself at me. What guy wouldn't go for it. We went upsatirs she was kissing, I pulled back it was like making out with a washing machine. She was way to eager. I was about to stop her when she pulled off her dress and wrapped her legs around me. God I was horny for her my d1ck was throbbing. What the hell I thought pushing her back on the bed and stripping down.

'I'm going to rock your world baby' she whispered to me' I kssed her to shut her up. I was such a dick....


Thoughts??Opinions???Tips??? all welcome and appreciated




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