Chapter 19

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I headed straight for my bedsit instead of the store; I just wasn’t bothered to get anything now. I thought back to the court case, that I had gone home for; everywhere I went for those few days people stared, and whispered about me and then I had to tell the jury and court every tiny detail of what my dad had done to me. I thought it couldn’t get worst until my dad’s lawyer stood up and tried to make me look like an attention seeking bitch. That had been my lowest point of all; fighting to prove I was broken.

It had been worth it I guess, my dad was sentenced to jail time but he only got 11 years in the end and I had to face the fact he could be out in 6. I was irreparably damaged and he only got 11 years.

I got home fast and was shocked to see Gray standing at my door. A smile on his handsome face practically lit up the hall.

‘Gray’ I said a smile creeping on to my face

He swept me up in to a big hug like he hadn’t seen me in years when in reality it had only been a couple weeks ‘Hey Harley, you ok?’ he looked at me as if trying to work out a puzzle.

‘Fine now’ I said ‘come on in, are you hungry we’ll have to order in I didn’t get anything in the store’

‘Starved; Chinese?’

I nodded and grabbed the menu ‘lemon chicken and fried rice for me, I’m going to run and shower; will you order?’ I asked

‘Sure’ he agreed and perused the menu.

I grabbed some jammies from my drawer and to the bathroom for a quick shower. Hot water didn’t last long so it was like a military operation; get washed and out as fast as possible, I had to shave my legs in the sink!

I blow dried my hair and threw it up in to a messy bun. I put some cream on my face and was all set.

I walked out and saw Grayson flicking through channels; he looked up when I walked out of the bathroom.

‘Harley what the heck are you wearing?’ he asked with a playful snigger.

‘Jammies you jerk just cause your girlfriend’s wear nothing doesn’t mean the rest of the world doesn’t’ I rolled my eyes at him.

‘You look like a zebra’

‘This is tiger print Gray’ I looked down at my tiger print jammie pants and a black wife beater I was wearing ‘Do you want a soda?’ I asked

‘Please’ I walked over to the fridge and grabbed two.

‘So what brings you over?’ I asked him plopping myself down on the sofa.

‘Nothing, just thought I’d call by’ he lied


‘I’m not’

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