Chapter 6

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Warning, graphic detail again in this chapter.


Harleys POV

I went home, forcing my tears to stop. I had made such a fool of myself.

‘Eurgh’ I sighed to myself ‘You’re doing the right thing’ I kept repeating to myself. I thought back to before this all started, before my dad used me as a play thing. I was an average girl; I loved Barbie’s and unicorns and was actually really out going. I was friends with Chloe. Our moms had been really good friends before my mom had become addicted to drugs. She pushed everyone one then and no one wanted there kid hanging around with me.

Chloe had stayed around the longest, she found my mom with me on that freezing December day. After that her mom forbid her to see me, told her I was damaged. I understand to a point but hell I was nine at the time.

I withdrew back in to myself, afraid what people said was right. Chloe gradually got more popular and started to hate me. By the time we were fourteen no one wanted to hang around me at school. I couldn’t have been happier.

My dad started abusing me on the first anniversary of my mom’s death, bile rose in my throat as I had a flash back to that night. I pushed the memory down. I was home.

I walked in to the house. I knew my dad wasn’t home because his car wasn’t there. I was soaked and decided to have a quick shower. I threw on some sweats and a pink t-shirt afterwards. I went downstairs to make a start on dinner I was starving. I made curry with lentils and with potato; it was delicious.

My phone rang when I was done. I looked to see who it was. Unknown number flashed up. Strange.


‘Hello is this Ms Harley Donagan?’ a woman asked

‘Yes ma’am’ I replied

‘This is Dr Daniels, down in St Johns, I don’t want you to worry but your father has been involved in a car accident and has been brought in. His injuries are minor but he needs someone to accompany him home.’

‘Minor injuries’ I thought to myself ‘shame he wasn’t dead’

‘Ms Donagan?’ a voice said in to the phone

‘Sorry’ I replied ‘I’ll be down shortly’

I hung up. I wished I’d ignored the call. I went upstairs to change, hurrying a little I didn’t want to anger my dad by being too long. I rang a cab on my way to my room.

I walked in to the hospital looking around at how busy it was. It was overwhelming. I heard laughing and glanced up. My dad was speaking to a lady doctor and they were laughing. I looked again it was the woman from the diner, it was Grayson’s mom.

‘Harley!’ my dad called a big smile on his face.

This is how it always was in public, I played the role of darling daughter and he plays an adoring father. He’d warned me enough that no one would believe the ‘’troubled’’ daughter of a well-respected man like himself. Sad thing was he was probably right.

‘Hi dad’ I smiled at Grayson’s mom.

‘Hey, I know you, you accompanied my son to school this morning, thanks for that’ she laughed

My dad narrowed his eyes.

‘I uh grabbed a coffee before school, I had to study for a test’ I started to explain

‘Oh I asked her to Rick’ she laughed ‘Protective of your baby, so sweet. I’m Lizzie’ she introduced herself.

‘Harley’ I shook her hand.

‘I better go but I’m looking forward to dinner Rick, see you Monday at nine’ she smiled at us and walked away. Grabbing another chart off the counter.

We got home by taxi; my dad’s car had been towed. It would be fixed and dropped back before morning.

‘Night dad’ I said and ran up to my room, I hoped meeting Lizzie would put him in a good mood and he’d leave me alone. He usually didn’t hurt me when he was seeing someone. It was when he was alone that he needed me to satisfy his needs and as he put it; it was my job.

I pulled on a pair of long pj bottoms and put on a black vest top. I cleansed toned and moisturised before putting some arnica ointment on my cheek. That stuff really worked wonders in healing bruises.

I got in to bed and fell straight to sleep.

I woke up and could feel a body lying on top of mine pulling at my clothes biting my skin.

‘No, Please’ I begged

Whack he slapped across my face ‘what the f*ck are you doing getting in to cars with boys. Are you a little whore? Is that it?

He yanked my pj’s off me

‘No’ I cried but my dad wasn’t even listening

‘Go on give me what you give them slut; I put a roof over your head you owe me’

He yanked my legs apart thrusting in to me. I cried out in pain.

‘Come on you dog, you know you like it’

I shut my eyes trying to block out his words, trying to block out the pain as he raped me, violently thrusting in and out until he was done.

I curled up in my bed in agony. The pain was excruciating. I refused to cry, not again.

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