Chapter Four:
Liam's POV:
I turned around to see a small, pale looking girl who appeared to be about twelve, maybe thirteen.
"Yes, what can I can do for you, love? Do you want a picture? Or an autograph?" Normally, I wasn't so friendly with fans, but this one seemed different. She looked frightened. In all honesty, she looked like she'd been through hell.
"A picture....? What? Why would I want an autograph? I uh....uhm....never mind. I'm sorry I disturbed you." She started to walk away and I almost let her until something in my brain seemed to click. What if....what if she was Paige?
"Wait." I grabbed her hand. She seemed to tense as soon as I touched her, but, I couldn't let her leave. "Are you Paige?"
Paige's POV:
"Are you Paige?"
I couldn't believe it. This was Liam. I didn't know what to do. A part of me told myself to lie, but that wouldn't really be fair. But neither was his harsh grip on my wrist; though I knew he didn't mean anything by it.
"Y-yes." I stuttered out in answer to his question.
He smiled faintly. "Well then, sit down. Let's talk."
I nodded.
I sat down. And looked at the floor. I can't believe I had done this. I should never have come here. I should never have suggested that we meet here. Now that he's seen firsthand how ugly, fat and worthless I am, he's probably dying tp get out of here. I should just put him out of his misery already..
I started to stand up. "I should really be leaving now.."
Shock was plastered all over his face. "But you just got here. I thought we were going to talk. Paige, let me help you. Please. Let me in."
Now it was my turn to be shocked. He actually wanted to help me? Still?
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"YES!" he practically screamed, which caused us to be on the recieving end of a moody look from the barista and caused me to nearly jump right out of the chair I had just sunk back down into.
"Sorry." He muttered, looking slightly embarrassed.
I just looked back down, not really knowing what form of small talk would be appropriate for this situation and not really wanting to be the one to bring up the real reason we were both here.
He coughed a fake cough; clearly trying to get me to look up.
I started counting the floor tiles.
One, two, three....I was on forty-two when he finally spoke up..
"Look, Paige, I know this is awkward and that we barely know each other but you can trust me. Please, just talk to me. Tell me what happened and we can go from there."
Is he serious?! Just tell him what happened....?
"I..I..I already told you what happened, though." I protested weakly.
"Paige, you need to talk about this. I'm not asking for a play-by-play of what happened. I want you to tell me how you feel. How you're feeling. Please."
What is he? A bloody psychiatrist?
"No, I'm not a psychiatrist. But that doesn't mean I can't help you."
I really need to stop thinking out loud.
"We've already established this Paige."
Blank. That's right, from now on I would be keeping my mind blank. I needed to keep my guard up around Liam. Not that I was trying to imply that I would be around him in the future or anything, I was just making a casual acknowledgement.
"I don't know what you're wanting me to say here...."
"I want you to say whatever's on your mind. Just tell me how you're feeling. Paige, I'm your friend. Please, open up." He was practically begging. Why does he care so much? What's in this for him?
Well fine. If he wanted to hear it, then here it goes. I'm going to tell him. Lay it all on the line, on him, then when I'm done, I'm going to watch him sprint out of here, and out of my life; and I won't blame him one bit. Because if I could, I would have walked out on myself a long time ago.
"When I was eight, my mother died in a car crash on her way to pick me up from the park. My father blamed me. If I hadn't gone to the park then she would still be here, and he's right. He couldn't handle having to see me everyday so he began drinking and when he would drink he would abuse me. Until today all he would ever do is just physical abuse, you know, hitting, kicking, stabbing and stuff. It was never that serious and I could take it. Well, I knew how to handle it. You see, I'm not as strong as I like everyone to think I am. Ever since I was eleven I've been self harming. You know, cutting and burning myself. I'm not trying to be dramatic or create some sob story out of nothing, it's just that's the only way I knew how to handle the pain, the only way I knew how to make everything go away. Then today he raaped me. I've never felt so disgusted with myself. I hate myself so much, Liam. I showered for what seemed to be hours and I still feel dirty. I cut myself all over my arm and it barely even helped. I almost killed myself, and in all honesty, it probably would have been bbetter if I had...." I broke off there on a sob. I couldn't continue. It was just too much. I shouldn't have told him all of that. There's no telling what he would do with the information. He could report me or harrass me. I should have just kept my mouth shut. I shouldn't have come here. It was such a mistake, I'm such a mistake. He still hadn't said anything. He probably hates me too now. I can't blame him. I better just get out of here before things get worse..
I got up and ran blindly out of the cafe. Please, please, please don't let him come after me....