Chapter One: First Dive

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It has been almost five years since the release of Dream World Project (D.W.P) and I only get to play it this year. At first, it wasn't really much of a game since every VRMMOrpg out there boasts lots and lots of adventures compared to D.W.P. Only last year that gamers took notice of its unique build for a VRMMOrpg. In a month, the gamr earned millions of players when they released their promotional video. I was entirely moved of what the game offers. D.W.P requires lots of skills to play since almost everything that you do there has an equivalent effect to your character. But for me, the most intriguing part of that game is the way on how you will build your character when you have all the options in the world! If you want to be a mage, you can learn from grimoires or ask other players to teach you their existing skills or if you want to be a warrior, a physical damager that boasts godly strength. Also, if you are a greedy cunt, you can choose to be a merchant inside the game. And if you're still not satisfied of being a greedy cunt, a masculine warrior or an intelligent mage, why not become all of them and learn more! This game offers almost unlimited possibilities that gamers would not ask for more because there is always more!

As excited as I was, I eased myself on my trusty bed and wore my Virtual Reality Console (V.R.C). The V.R.C looks like a motorcycle helmet cover almost your whole head. My first game with this console was a monster hunting game which entertained me at first but then, hunting monsters and making their insides or parts of their bodies as my weapon bored me. So now, I'm going to try the game where you can be anyone as long as you strive hard enough for it. Okay, the latter part would be hard for me because I got bored almost instantly to anything. But hey, maybe this game would change me for the better.

Having the V.R.C turned on, I came through my first dive into the Dream World Project!

At first, the logo of the game was shown before me and lead me to the character creation which was I think the worst character creation because it will only let you pick the clothes that you would want to wear on your first appearance on the D.W.P.

A big closet full of various for-level-one-looking clothes now lies before me. I only picked a black trench coat on a white shirt. And of course, black trousers and boots. I think these are the best clothes you can find inside that godly closet which I think carries an almost infinite amount of ugly clothes.

After closing the closet, millions of long rectangular light appeared from under my feet and teleported me into a place inside the game called Newbie Land. Why am I not surprised? Maybe this is the reason why in the old days, gamers won't play this game because, the hell's with that name for your first village?! Anyway, the Newbie Land has lots of people in it and it appears to be that I'm in the middle of the market. How do I get so lucky?

I managed to scuttle and squeeze myself out of that tsunami of people inside the market area. Even in these narrow streets, I can hear the shouts of the NPC's, players for their goods. Almost every building in this area is made of brown bricks that made this look like an old cartoon setting. But hey, who am I to to choose what kind of concrete they'll use for these things? I ain't planning to stick around here for long!

The menus can be summoned when the player says the word 'Menu' inside his head. There are only five options here:
First is Character Status. This options shows your stats and a button on the lower right of the screen contains the skills that a player has already acquired. Also, this menu shows what part of the body is damaged and what items are equipped to a player's character.

Second is inventory. On top of this menu, you can see how much gold you have. Gold is the common currency in D.W.P. Of course, below it, is the list of items that a player acquired. It appears that this game has a carry weight limit. A carry weight limit, as the name suggests, limits a player to carry item(s) that would exceed the current limit of the character. Eventually, as the character levels and grows, skills help to increase this limit.

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