Chapter Three: Thief

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After Jack's splendid demonstration of how weak I am, he told me to travel to the next village called Greenland. He said that I should find the one who will teach me the basics and advance type of fighting in the game. I decided to take my time a little bit since I'm only level two and haven't leveled up my talents yet.

After leaving the Guild Hall building, I headed outside to practice the skills that Jack taught me; Dual Thrust, Dash Step, Lunge and Steal.

In the game, you can wave your sword however you want to perform an ordinary attack but it would be different when using a certain skill. There are two ways to use skills. First is to use it from the menu and second, use it inside your head. Within the game, you can perform or activate a skill through thinking and feeling it while performing the necessary action that it requires. Normally, people uses their minds to activate the skills but for mages, most of the low level players still use the menu in order to perform a combo or just use a skill. Having a low level Magical Offensive talent requires some skill to chant it before it can be used. For example, the first chanting skill that can be learned by a low level mage, Frozen Domain.

Frozen Domain is a magical offensive skill that freezes a large area. The chanting or channeling and casting time of this skill takes almost five seconds to cast. With a high level Magical Offensive talent, chanting or channeling won't be necessary anymore.

Excited as I was, I found myself surrounded by slimes. Five of them are coming to charge at me. I remembered that I already acquired some skills that would be quite useful. I found some gap in order to escape my soon to be prison in the middle of angry slimes. I used the Dash Step in the middle of two slimes. They were far enough form each other for me to fit between them. I ran a bit more far to lure them in a single file. The moment they all jumped at the same time. I used another one of my newly acquired skill, Lunge.

Like a barbeque on a stick, all the slimes were pierced by sword. The sword was given to me by Jack. He said that he used this very sword before he was taught the All Trades build. The Lunge skill is performed by stepping one foot forward along with my sword just like in fencing. Jack said that learning fencing would be beneficial with this game and I think he's right.

I think I got far enough from the castle because I saw a new monster coming towards me, a boar. From its black skin, black long hairs sprouted. The boar appeared more of a giant hedgehog than what it is exactly if it weren't for its large tusks and large snout. I felt a bit confident with the new skills I've learned that I charged against the boar. I waited for a moment before showing my third newly learned skill, Dual Thrust.

Having pierced in the head by my blade twice, the beast shattered into a million tiny little pieces like a glass thrown from a high building and landing on a very hard surface causing it to break like the poor beast before me. The skill I used is performed like a lunge but a surge of energy will come after the first that's why it's called 'Dual Thrust'.

After I'm satisfied on my ways of using my skills, the greatest insult was slapped to my face. I was thinking where I can use the last newly learned skill that I acquired when I saw people huddling around something and they were cheering. Lots of boo's, 'wow', 'whoa' and 'ohh' here and there. After scuttling and crawling up for me to find a good place to watch whatever is this crowd is getting hyped for, I saw two players attacking each other. I just realized that this would be the very first duel that I would watch since my arrival here.

A girl against a man. She holds a short sword on the right and a dagger on her left. She wears a black leather jacket on a white tank top. Her pants also leather and she wears black boots. Leather straps criss crossed on her upper body. The leather straps holds small throwing knives. On the other hand, the man wielded nothing but a large double bladed axe and wore a heavy steel armor that would protect him from almost everything that the girl holds. With his steel helmet, he was protected from a lot of attacks that the girl released. He would've already died if it weren't for it. Their fight took long enough but ended in a gruesome way. The girl looked like she was just hitting here and there, waiting for an opening. The man was fast despite of his equipment but he girl was faster and she slapped him with it, figurative and literally.

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