Chapter 8

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I am sorry to all my readers. I know I do notupdate very often and I am trying to improve, I did not like how I rounded offthis chapter so I have tweaked it... a lot. This part contains some adultcontent tell me if you think the effort was worth it.

Chapter 8

Alexi led Gracie further down the shaded tables pulling her past groups of his family of his family scattered amount the may benches and tables. Not pausing to say hello or have a chat with anyone only casually nodding greetings to a few of them as he pulled her through. Gracie started to get nervous, her heart beat kicking up as Alexi lead her further and further away form the bustle and noise of the family. Alexi's hand felt warm and firm in her own as he guided her through the lower heavily shaded citrus trees.

Entering in to a small grotto Gracie looked around at what could only be described as a fairy palace. A small wooden hut sat in the middle surrounded by an explosion of fresh flowers laying a jewelled carpet covering the area, creating a sense of magic. Leading her down a well worn path around the hut Alexi drew her towards the back of the hut to a small pond. The quiet and peacefulness of the seen took her breath away. Even the insects took pause and seem to slowly meander their way through the postcard like seen. The sun glimmered off the pond the making a mirrored sheen on the surface broken up only by the lily's floating on the surface.

"Where are we, " asked Gracie taking in the peace of the moment to jut be. It had been a long time, if ever since she had seen serenity in a lifelike setting like this.

Nodding his head towards the pond and letting go of her hand Alexi takes another step towards the pond. "This is my mothers grotto," turning his head towards the sky he looks at the clouds. Remembering a moment with his mother just before she died, he had run home from school dirty and bloodied after getting in to another fight at school and wanted to reach home before the teacher called her. She had been sitting in a neglected olive grove close to the house. He stopped and slowed down to a walk not wanted his mother to think anything was wrong. She had not said anything at first, she never did she just held her hand out to him and he took it sitting next to her. Then she would talk about his father, and tell him stories of a beautiful garden and how they loved to walk around the pond, sharing memories about his personality and giving him a rare glimpse of a woman who had once been happy. He new he could never interrupt. Even one word would mean she would stop and the spell would be broken. Years later in memory of the cherished place that only seemed to exist in her mind he had had this built. So he could be closer to her in some way. Alexi was not totally sure why he felt the need to show this to Gracie but somehow it felt right. He knew it would not make up for everything that had happened to her so far but it was a start.

Alexi turned to Gracie placing a hand on her waist to draw her closer, "I wanted to show you a place that is close to my heart." Pulling her even closer melding her body to his Alexis head slowly moves down placing his lips close to her ear. "I needed to show you." The soft intensity in his voice sent a powerful pulse through Gracie making her feel week.

As his lips touched her Gracie felt fireworks roaring through her blood, each time they kiss things just got more intense. Turning her head she moans passion sweeping over her and leans more of her body in to the kiss. Alexi gripped her closer trying to mould her in to his body, deepening the kiss adding more fuel to the fire. Gracie's lungs start to burn as she draws back with a big gasping breath, WOOW!! If it is always going to feel like this I am not sure I will survive this. Looking in to his eyes Gracie is stuck. What is he thinking, showing her this place, touching her, kissing her. What was she supposed to do? Alexi touched his forehead to Gracie's. The kiss had not left him unaffected and he was burning up. Gripping the soft material around her waist Alexi pulled her closer, his hardness pressing in to her softness. He swooped on again deepening the power of the kiss and getting lost in her sweet sent and the feel of her.

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