Chapter 3

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This is Divastar88 addressing the people who have read my story so far, I am sorry for the LONG LONG wait between chapters I had some family issues that have settled down now. Here is chapter 3  a bit longer than usual please enjoy and remember to VOTE, FAN, SHARE, AND COMMENT!! I love to hear anything about my work

                Alexi moved in to action as soon as the words of agreement left her mouth. He started snapping out orders on his phone. Gracie could only cringe in sympathy and feel sorry for the poor unfortunate on the other end of that call having to keep up with that sort of power house. He quickly issued orders, his deep voice carrying an air of command and authority that you would have to be dead to resist.

                “I need an extra suit at the St Pancreas hotel just for the night and then a private carriage for mid day on the Euro Star.” Turning to rake his gaze over Gracie again he tells the person on the other end, “and have my driver meet me out front now, I need you to arrange a personal shopper at meet us at the hotel with a selection of women clothes suitable for the summer climates in Greece. Everything should be in a size sixteen, and include size,” tilting his head to the side he focused on her feet giving Gracie the urge to hide her slightly scuffed second hand pumps, “size seven shoes and all the accessories and extras that you think will be required.”

                Gracie could only stare at him and blink, still feeling like she was moving though a think fog.  She had not thought that things would start happening so quickly, “when do you need me to start... umm, fiancéeing,” she said tiling her head slightly to the side, “is that even a word.” She said feeling really awkward and nervous about how to start conversation with someone so intimidating.

                “Now,” he said holding his hand out to help Gracie up, he pulled her towards him in one swift motion causing her to trip slightly and the momentum carried her in to him. Their bodies pressed together causing a spark of awareness to jump between them. Gracie tilted her head up unable to resist looking in to the dark pools of his eyes.  His gaze pierced her with a connection neither one of them could have ignored. The charge generated between the two of them cracked in the atmosphere. 

                “I’ll just get my stuff shall I?” Pushing her hands against his chest and levering her self away Gracie face heated up four different shades of red. She ducked her head down trying to calm her raging senses. No man had ever effected her senses so profoundly before. He was like a slow burning wild fire sweeping along the planes eating up all the dry tinder in its path until nothing is left in the wake of the flaming inferno.  Trying valiantly to re gather her senses, Gracie stumbles slightly again on the way out of the office towards her desk quickly shoving all her belonging back in to her over sized purse and slipping her feet back in to her slightly uncomfortable office pumps she turned around to head back in the main office only to almost bump in to Alexi again,

                “Sorry” she whispers feeling the blush kick up again knowing that her cheeks must be as red as poppies. I wish I did not blush, she thought for the hundredth time that night, knowing that every thought and feeling that he had was painted on her face was a major disadvantage.

                Looking down at her Alexi only asks, “Is that everything,” when she nodded he held out his arm. Gracie hesitated not wanting to feel the race of electricity that seems to accompany any time the two of them touch. Maybe I just need to accustom myself to the feeling him she thought.  The more we touch the less of an effect it will have on me she thought.  She wanted to refuse his arm but she could not think of a way to do so without being unforgivably rude.  I just need to remember she thought, if I can become accustomed the less all of it will affect me.

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